3d Fab Election MEET the Candidates

Still do not see an election on calendar it must be posted 14 days in advance. I may have missed it.

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Seems like @maxk68 would want to get that on the calendar ASAP…


There is one for a committee meeting


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They can hold an election at that time.

Just updated event to note it is an election also.

It must say elections as all other committees have done.

Well I was talking to Stan about fixing the dead spots and give 3d fab their own network.

And wireless only means the WiFi on the pi’s. However if I add the touch screen for controls to each printer then you would still have Control even if the WiFi or network goes out.

They make shielded cables for usb and we can go that route to help with cut out there.

Not 14 days public notice on calendar or space

I’d be glad to buy or make a drawer system with labels on the out side to house the resin trays. Also I’m working with Gus to get the cabnet working correctly.

13.5 days after the last BOD.

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I cast my vote for Max -

I’d like a kisslicer manual being available in print form in 3D fab and a PDF copy on the wiki please - and possibly a kisslicer basics class offering in the future to prevent 11 hr print runs :wink:

I think we should do simple fast cut sheets laying out and not the full manual because most will not read the full manual; however there should be one on hand if needed

I’d like to say thank you for everyone who came out last night to help get cubicle walls for DMS and Sorry for the delay to answer some of these questions .

I will have my answers posted tonight

What are the most important attributes for a chair in general?

There are several Attributes that a Chair should have, being able to coordinate people, good leadership, being able to have an open mind, listening, and thinking through problems, follow through and always searching for way to do things better.

Then specifically, what traits/skills do you think are most important to the governing of the 3D Fab committee?

3D Fab needs a good strong, active leader right now with the expansion coming.
Someone willing to jump in a help
research new filament, maintenance procedures, and printers
Someone willing to listen and put into action good ideas

Question for candidates:

  1. What are the major issues that 3d Fab faces?

First one right now is Expansion
Second is the Printer maintenance
Third is the lack of payment for filament

• How will you solve these issues?

I’m currently working on something in Viso (floorplan) that will work great for 3d Fab

It will make the space more open and inviting, more room for new printers now and in the Future, more storage space, and allow for more tooling

I’m working with Pearce to see what the major maintenance issues are other than clogged nozzles

I would like to have office hours like laser and work days to clean the room and work on the printers to help keep then work.

Make Signage to help guide people in the right direction I.e.: ABS ONLY on polyprinters….

I want to have more Train to fix classes that way people can help change the nozzles, change the tape on the beds, so on

Working with Square to where you can pay for anything from any committee in DMS

Find who is not paying and discipline accordingly

Is this a “downhill solution”, if not why won’t a “downhill solution” work?

We should add spacers for the tools in the drawers so you can find them with ease
Signage to help guide
Adding the controls to the printers so that even if the network goes down you can still control your print.

  1. How will you ensure uptime on the printers?

Start with more in depth training classes, adding signage to the area.

  1. What new printing capabilities do you want to add to the DMS?

I would like for use to be able to do nylon,
carbon fiber, ninja flex, and other kinds.

I would like to see a better scanner for 3d modeling.

Downhill solution - A “downhill solution” is a passive system that encourages the correct outcome either by making the ‘right’ thing to do easier than any ‘wrong’ thing or by making a ‘wrong’ outcome immediately clear. Think of your solution as a wheel on hill if to solve the problem you have to push the wheel up the hill eventually you will get tired and the wheel will roll back down the hill. If to solve to problem the wheel needs to roll to the bottom of the hill you might need to give it a nudge to get started but the rest will take care of itself.


I think going wireless is a bad idea without extensive testing of long running prints. It is pretty well known in the 3D printing community that wired is best. I think Max’s approach to shield the cables will yield the better results.

About a month ago I coordinated with John and put in some laser cut cubicles so they can only go in one way now

Max - I note that your committee meeting / election is scheduled for Wednesday October 3, at 4pm, in the Conference room. (you’re listed as the meeting host).

You might want to consider changing locations. The bookkeeper works Wednesdays and she will be occupying the Conference room.

if she is still working we can figure something out at the time

I have heard a few things that are not completely true and will like to clear them up.

1 I do not just want to buy shiny new things only. Yes we need to maintain what we have now but we need to keep looking forward.

2 usb cables are already shielded. The problem with the printers is dirty power. We need to condition it.

3 I decided to run last minute yes; however I have been thinking about it for a while.

This is what I believe and if you hear otherwise it’s a lie.

Remember to vote for 3d fab chair, but don’t stop there!!!

Join and help the committee out! We would LOVE to have you


well said. repeat for all committees.