Planer seems "off"

Teachers have always been able to request the Committee to purchase, in Advance, with committee funds, required class materials.

This is actually preferred becuase becuase there are receipts for the materials, DMS owns all of it, and there is never an issue of whether the instructor is “making a profit on it.” Do not want this to hare off into another discussion. Just be aware, if you want to avoid out-of-pocket expenses it can be done.

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I was actually unaware of that option. is there some way that we could make this known to others? That was my biggest hurdle in not teaching more classes: not enough personal funds to buy materials. I am trying to put up a class on the Calendar for basic furniture making (right now I only have 3 planned: a ladderback chair, a small end table, and a midsize bookshelf. there might be more in the future if people like it and want different kinds of furniture) that could take people through all of the woodshop tools. If I could get funds for materials (the chair only needs a pair of 2x4’s, wood glue, and some nails for each student), then I could teach it regularly and make it a woodshop basics class, and take some of the strain of of @Mrksls2

If i can get materials, then i might also try to bring back Wooden Sword Making classes, also as a Woodshop Basics

Is that translated as: YOU or ME?

that was the General DMS ‘we’. Mostly the BOD, or whomever is in charge of organizing classes

I find disinformation has a practically magical way of propagating at unfathomable speeds.
Case in point, for some reason, someone somewhere started the rumor that Honorarium was to be used to pay for materials for classes. This has continued to propagate despite any effort to stamp it out, yet has never been the case. As a recipient of the short end of this, I put it back to you: what could have been done to dispel this myth? This misinformation?
The honorarium is now, and has always been, a token “thank you for teaching”. Yet the rumors persist otherwise.
Shout it from the rooftops. Perhaps this time it will be heard…

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or, we could make it so that the honorarium IS meant to be used for that. Is there some issue with it being used that way? Please continue this discussion here [] so that we don’t clog up this thread

Certainly not.
It is YOUR money.
Do with it what you will.
Just don’t winge on about how you NEED that honorarium or you can’t teach because you can’t get materials.


Translation: The other than me? :wink:

I personally wouldn’t know where to gather all the rules that relate to classes, events, honorariums, charging for materials, charging for the class (instructor fees), priority on facilities, what is allowed, permitted materials, calendar interface, external interfaces (Meetup, FB), Auditors, etc.

It is really and incredible complies process when everything is considered and accounted for.

There’s already a “don’t run crap thru the machines” rule (or at least there was when I took Woodshop basics in 2016) and you see how well it’s followed. The moment the “crappy wood” tools are occupied, the next user with “crappy wood” will do what they do already. Which will result in TWO damaged jointers and TWO damaged planers. Double the pleasure, double the fun!

The planner is or was working flawlessly this morning at 6:30 AM. Last night about 1:00 AM when attempting to work on one of my personal projects, I found the problems the planner. So… each and every one of the cutters was removed, cleaned, their seat cleaned and then remounted.

And finally, at 6:30 I was able to plane my project.

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