Picnic - The rain plan

Well. Shoot.

With the rain predicted Saturday at 100% plausibility - I’ve taken action and rented out the Trinity room at the Crosby Rec Center. The rec center is out of the torrential downpour, not going to disrupt the general flow of DMS on a busy Saturday, and the city is allowing to transfer the money without issue – it’s as much of a win as we could hope for. Please read this whole email so you understand how the shift has changed many of our plans for the picnic.

The new address for the picnic is now: Crosby Rec Center 1610 E Crosby Rd, Carrollton, TX 75006 specifically we will be in the Trinity Room (this is very very close to DMS and has adequate parking and most importantly a roof)
The new time for the picnic: 1-3:30p (shorter because it cost more per hour and because another event is scheduled in the morning)
Date still remains the same: This Saturday April 21st

Overview of the afternoon:
11:30a – need some helpers at DMS to pack up cars, silent auction items, items from the space
12:45-1p all hands-on deck to setup all chairs and tables (seriously people this will be a chore)
1:00/30-ish food will be served – Dickies brisket and sausage has been purchased with the $5 per person ticket - everyone is expected to bring a side to share (please sign up)
Picnic signup sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mUaCd9FX0iv4C5xA7_8oeIh99MAt-ObizftP0lEZbXQ/edit?usp=sharing
1-1:30p sign-up for the silent auction if desired
1:30-2:45p silent auction items will be open to bid (a square will be at checkout- all funds go to the DMS scholarship fund)
Link to silent auction item discussion: What Are the Silent Auction Items?
3-3:30p checkout silent auction items (Mark and Robert will need help)
3:30-4:00p all hands-on deck cleanup (we will be charged if ANY mess is left) tables taken down, chairs stacked back up, trash to the dumpster
4:00p need some people to run DMS stuff back to the space
4:00p – we need to be 100% cleaned up or we will be charged

General picnic discussion: APRIL 21st! Makerspace Picnic 2018 - NEW ADDRESS! - #48 by uglyknees

Anyone have a music system we can borrow or know a band?
So we won’t be able to grill hot dogs, fly kites, launch waterballons and a myriad of other outdoor things that were planned so if you have any ideas please let me know and we will do it. Good conversation and eating is always fun.
Still no alcohol at this venue.

If you have any additional questions please respond and I’ll send out a Q&A tomorrow to address any concerns that I didn’t cover.
Honestly, I think this the best solution we could ask for, hope you feel the same.

That’s all I know people


Somebody hasn’t been brushing and flossing regularly…

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I just love GMO food!

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Too late to get tickets? Also, Members only or Guest of a Member?


Go ahead and get them and you can absolutely bring a guest. Just note that I can’t change the time on the calendar so please make sure you know it’s now just 12:45-3:30

See you soon


Awesome! +3, then. I already heard about the time and venue change. I’ll figure out the side to bring. Getting tickets now.

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Amazing. No one had CCR’s Who’ll stop the rain


can’t believe Eddie Rabbit didn’t make the list yet


Also, to put a cap on this, I assume…



my favorite song about rain

followed by my 2nd favorite song about rain

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Despite the lryics actually including the word “rain”, I never thought of “It’s Coming Down” having anything whatsoever to do with water falling from the sky…

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