PCB Board Etching

Thinking of doing a series of classes on PCB board etching, maybe first class would use the fume hood and we would etch a design, second class would be in the electronics area, soldering on the components, we could make USB chargers. Maybe someone could help design a 3d printed enclosure for the charger? Would people want to take this class?


I would be interested in a class on etching a board.



Lots of folks will look forward to you teaching the class, the only caveat is: all the chemicals and solutions you bring with you or create you have to take and dispose of somewhere else. DMS is prohibited from disposing of anything that might be classified* as hazardous waste. So no pouring down the sinks or toilets.

Good luck, the class should be a hit. If you are already doing it, you may talk to Small Metals & Jewelry and possibly do a second class for them or copper etching. Get a twofer!

  • And the city, county, state, fed decides what is or isn’t. It’s weird, what I can pour down my home sanitary sewer is much less restricted than a commercial/industrial facility is, and DMS is classified as “light industrial”

If any part of the articlle I linked to is usuful you have my full and complete permission to use or reprint ant part of it for your class The index of all about circuits Completed Projects forum has several different articles people may find useful.
Ihave had a stroke I am likely to be out of the scene for several years. I had planned on teaching a similar clas some time in the future.I wish you and your efforts well.


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how would I dispose of it?

That will be for you to decide. Same way you’d do it at home I suppose.

Not being flip. One reason there are no etching and anodizing solutions at the Space is the disposal.

Some of the etchants are really pretty bland and are the same things you pitch down the drain at home. Just we can’t do it here.

Truly, I hope you do one or both classes I expect them to be well attended. Just I have an obligation to warn you. When you submit for class put note at end “All chemicals used will be taken home after use” that way review group will let it go to Calendar rather than a delay asking questions. Trying to help you succeed doing this. Not be an impediment - but protecting DMS comes first for me right now.

Hope to see it on calendar.

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One way is to use a regenerative enchant that you never throw away.

why don’t we have crimping tools and the crimping inserts?

why don’t we have automatic wire strippers?

Not an E-Lab person. I thought we had a set of automatic strippers or at least what I thought of as such. The former crimps I thought we had or did. I have used some sort of crimps in the oast but maybe not what you are looking for.

Art @artg_dms can you answer or assist Josh with his questions?

who are you? Is this alex?

Nope, David Kessinger. If you click on Avatar you’ll see person’s name.

Josh, if you hold on to the waste I’ll dispose of it. Farmers Branch (where I live) has free hazardous waste disposal for their residents. I’ll send you a list later of what they consider hazardous and we can go from there to see if any of it needs to be taken anywhere.


I just mean the tabs, typicall used in 12-24V control work

As @zmetzing stated your questions are rather vague and open ended. I’m going to assume you mean crimp tools and inserts for connectors made by Berg, Molex, Samtech, etc. Good crimp tools are not cheap.

The ELab does have a crimp tool for ring, spade, faston lugs. Crimp tool is in top drawer of tool box and lugs are in the roll around cabinet by the door.

Post or pm me links to what you in mind and I’ll look into it.

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ok thanks, I don’t care what everybody says, you’re not so bad after-all Ashley…:stuck_out_tongue:

Are you using ferric chloride for this?
On my list of plans for jewelry classes is etching
copper with it, I have done that at home before,
but I want to refine my procedures some,

Ferric chloride can be reused and then one can neutralize
it, The best is to let it sit, then pour of the good and neutralize
the slidge portiosn with baking soda, that can go to hazardous wast,

We have some some crimp tools courtesy of Fred’s WoW. Rescued a box that had tools in it . Haven’t done a full inventory yet. Have an AMP 90312


Last link has guide on how to. It appears to be in French but picts tell all.