It was a doozy ahemorragic stroke 70% mortality rate. somehow I survived,Iwas driving back from a job interview when it happened.Myleft side is completely paralyzed.Fortunately the right side still worked or there would have been a hell of a wreck.It has been almost a year ago minus 3 weeks. I intend to rejoin MS when I am able.Ihope the starving artist rates will stilllbe in effect. Basically Iam unemployable. I write this laying on my back looking over a keyboad on a laptop that is slowly dying.I do not recommend typing while laying on you back it sucks. I am struggling but it lloks like I will make it.
How far do you live from DMS? What city? I doubt you can drive, but I may be able to pick up now and then and bring you to the Space if you’d like. Just getting out can be therapuetic!
While I appriciate the offoer I could not use I am profoundly paralyzed I have tried getting into cars It yakes a ver strong person to lift me because I am pure dead weight. Awoman whom I had adopted as my sister has stepped up to be my caretaker…I’m not missing any meals. Iqualify for Dart paratransit,Which will come to my house with a wheelchair capibl van withseveral days notice.Anoth person has stepped forward to help me in and out of bed for rehab excersizesI have been blesed by freinds
My mom had stroke, I know one of the things she hated was a sense of being “stuck at home” and “isolated”. You’re a “regular” and we’d like to see you back. I know you did a lot of 3D stuff and with limited use of just one arm you can still enjoy doing that …as compared working on a car!
I plan on being a pest here. I am a moderator of All about circuit. an electronics forum. So I am no stranger to forums in general, I love designing electronics in general though I feel dated by ucontollers.Part of the stroke hit I took was mental. I have problems with short tem memory,You want help designing something I am your girl I also like to teach.I miss 3D printing.
My son is talking about getting me a chrombook.I really do need alaptop. My needs are minimal I need some thing that can run the few CAD programs I use including M/SPaint I’ve tried Linux Paint but canot turn off theantialiasing feature. It messes up tecnical drawings. He hMy son has this plan to useMy desktopnwith Teamviewer. I dropped this Laptop and messed up the battery mount. It really is on its last legs.
Something weird happened last night when I tried to sleep Iwas so jazzed I stayed awake until 9AM .Normally I sleep like a log, Been very active on the forum(side effect.I could al most feel my brain rewiring itself. I have had feeling return toseveral parts of my body rhat have had nofeeling since the stroke. My bladder for example I can now feel my hand. It has the infant reflex where it grabs if somthing is put in the palm. No real control. but very encouraging.
Wendy, I am MS half blind artist. Last summer my hubby had
several small stokes, no real movement issues, but he has
problems with speech. While I was taking him to speech therapy,
I realized that my sight was going, I lost over half my sight due
to macular degeneration. Now he has to drive me, I keep hoping he
will find something there he wants to take a part in, other wise he would
just go to the store and stay home and read (we were both big readers)
I have realized that I can use the CNC tools to compensate for my sight issues
Now I just need to learn the software to use them
Truth pme of the things I am greatful for is friends and family. If I had been alone this could have been a hellish death sentence. As is I have hope, lots of it.
That is far outside myexpertise A rasbery Pi can run has a video and an Ethernet connection. For someone who is knowledgeable it should be easy
I notice people do not respond when I post. No big deal as I don’ have much to offer yet and this forum is slower than I am used to… I sincerely hope this will change sometime in the future. No real changes on the home front,I am Still hopefull. I seem to be fighting a lot of intern urinary infections. Is there a bus stop nea DMS or Tanners? I don’t see myself driving even i I become mobile tomorrow. don’t see that happening either. I am using my time to learn KiCAD, I think this would be a good precursor course for The PCB cutting mill in the electronics lab? What is the name of it again?