New SIG - Wide format Printer team

I have my own printer, for digital negatives, now but why is this process so slow? I know the expansion put a damper on purchasing but other committees seem to not have an issue.

In terms of a good photo printer, a ton of photographers use the Epson P600 and P800 line to make prints. The P800 does 17" wide x 22" long. Can also take a roll adapter to make prints up to 10’ long

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Because there has been very large differences of opinion in what is needed. Some groups want a high end art printer. Some want maximum versatility in printable media choices. Some want a UV based flatbed printer. Etc, etc, etc. The groups with the most influence change often enough that it’s hard to finalize a purchase before another group gains more influence and changes the direction of the desired purchase.

Additionally, there are major historical issues with the use, maintenance, and funding on the wide format printers in the past:

  1. Uneducated or willfully ignorant members would abuse or break the printers.
  2. Large (24" and larger width) printers are significantly more maintenance intensive than even a 17" home printer (I personally own and have modified an Epson 1430 for both fabric printing and uv blocking screen printing negatives, and that has nothing on dealing with one of these big printers.) DMS is not a normal corporate or educational environment where maintenance is dependably executed.
  3. There has been a HUGE issue with shrinkage on printer use. Bluntly, people weren’t paying for their prints. Therefore there is an understandable reluctance to fund a high priced equipment purchase (anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000+) with an extensive and continued consumables budget that doesn’t break even.

The print shop at my former employer has a few large format printers, and they require DAILY maintenance, and don’t lend themselves to use by random walk-ins; there are selected staff members who know how to set jobs up - and even then, may forget a step and ruin the last two feet of a 30’ vinyl banner. Ouch. And one print head replacement can run $1000.00.


Please add me too.

While its nice to say its a SIG it really should be its own committee. I don’t see a printer being purchased when tied to another committee. That’s a large amount of money to ask for from a committee that has other areas of interest that want a piece of the pie too :slight_smile:

Monthly maintenance and a daily scheduled self cleaning is all that is needed really. Thats about all the Epsons where I work get and they are only used for training 2 weeks a month.

Training can be done to successfully use the printer, practice will be important, but its not hard to select predefined media settings and just select the media you print on. Swapping media rolls is easier than 90% of whats required of equipment in other areas. Where I work we train brand new people from all over the world who have never printed anything before on how to use the printers in a 2 week course that covers the printers, Adobe, laying media to substrates, as well as other aspect of working in a sign shop.

Modern commercial grade printers have software that can track who printed what at what time, and can be tied back to if they paid or not. A general price would need to be set for media/ink but keep it simple and don’t over think the exact usage amount.

As for printers; a high end photo printer only pleases a few, a flat bed is kinda ridiculous for both price and space, a roll to roll that can handle a variety of media and print photo quality* images is the happy middle ground. First get a budget in writing, then pick the printer that works best for the most members in that budget.

*might not be crazy high quality but personally I can’t tell the difference unless you are trying to do a massive print

Anyhow, till the board OKs a budget and it is set aside specifically for a printer its all just talk…again.


You left off those in a past(or present) that wanted(or want) a printer that will allow them to do vehicle wraps at the space - thus adding to your shrinkage.

i am certain that is vinyl they will have to bring in. And if they are shelling for that, the ink cost will be very little in comparison.

hmmm… what design for the Sprinter?



My point is that the membership nor the DMS should be the base for anyone’s business. Wrap for you for your personal use on your personal sprinter - sure. But not if you plan on printing and wrapping as many vans in the area.

The “running a vehicle wrap business” has been something that is way overblown IMO. You could just as easily say someone is going to start a photography/portrait printing business. If someone tries, it can be dealt with in the same manner as already established by the Laser Committee.

Frankly, as long as they pay for their prints, and don’t monopolize the use of the printer so that no on else can use it, I’d be fine with it. The cost of printing should be set to cover consumables, maintenance, and a bit extra to enable the purchase of replacement and/or upgraded printers as well. (Again, as already well established by Laser.)