After much discussion, Creative Arts decided more discussion is needed. A new SIG has been formed.
The new SIG is to come up with a proposal for a new printer. Width, abilities, prices, maintenance team…
Please post to be added. we will set up a date in the next 2 days to for a team meet. We can do Talk or E-mail for a digital discussion.
Members so far:
and Angel.
Do we have any updates for the second discussion?
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Add me. I got an opportunity to go to SGIA while in Vegas. Looked at lots of printers.
So let’s get this ball rolling. Rumor is that CA committee meets on Nov 8th. It would be nice to have a features list done by then, maybe even a short list of models.
When is a good time for a SIG meeting?
I can do most times except Thursday and Sunday evenings.
Not a rumor. We do indeed meet on the 8th.
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Umm… Can we get a meeting date/time/place scheduled ?
How about Monday (Oct 29th) at 7:00pm?
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I suggest you reserve a room. They can be real tough to get. You can always cancel the room if that time slot doesn’t work.
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Looks like the lecture hall is in use so I requested the “Interactive”
Hopefully it will show on the calendar soon.
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Please add me to the group as well…
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Hi Clayton, I did register for the meeting but unable to cancel as I will not be able to make it tomorrow.
I think it’s important that CA gets a good quality wide format printer either 24" or 36" Epson that is used by amateur and professional artists and photographers - This will attract fine art students, artists and photographers to become members in the future and use the printers.
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Hi John, I did register for the meeting tomorrow but unable to change my RSVP as I will not be able to make it.
I think it’s important that CA gets a good quality wide format printer either 24" or 36" Epson that is used by amateur and professional artists and photographers - This will attract fine art students, artists and photographers to become members in the future and use the printers.
No problem, thanks for letting me know
Features list from the meeting DMS Large Format Printing RFP worksheet - Features List.pdf (34.6 KB)
Let me know if I missed anything or if anyone thought of something not listed
Hi All;
Just a reminder the 2nd meeting is tonight for the Larte/Wide format printing SIG.
Agenda is finalize the features and review the RFP. I’ll add the RFP here soon.