So yes we heard you. We got new clamps in the metal shop for welding. It’s just a start for now.
Should definitely mark those with your machine shop color!
Metal shop is Grey/silver, kinda fits in. We will be watching
It is not a big donation, but when visiting a friend in OR last week he donated a new dressing wheel for the grinders. It is good sized - so if anyone is wandering where it came from, that where. Left it next to grinders. He visited our facilities and was impressed (that was almost 3 years ago!).
Hadn’t seen the the new layout for grinders, looks great.
Not anymore: UPDATED Color Coding For Committees
Orange with black; we can actually mark tools now.
Excellent! We have one in the cabinet beneath the grinders (rotary type) and one of the static dressers attached to the back of the Delta.
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