New Automotive Rule for Major Work

@Tapper is right, the Jan 26 BoD meeting changed the committee rules to where the committee has to vote on new rules.

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The only metrics that Automotive has is that there are a total of 234 people that have taken the Auto Lift class. 159 of those are still members, so there are 75 that have left DMS for whatever reason.

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Are there dates associated with these events? Is it possible to calculate the ā€œlifetimeā€ of a member who took Auto Lift versus general members?

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It seems like the majority of people who get stuck in the auto square are in the non-lift bay. This doesnā€™t solve any problems.

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I agree with Luke. A new member can follow procedures and policies that have been properly presented. Using the lift requires a class. Thatā€™s one chance for the policies to be covered. Maybe using automotive should require an orientation of some sort, that would cover safety, policy, and whatever else new users arenā€™t getting.

The Space is simply not sized to accommodate the number of dues-paying Members with an interest in performing sizable automotive work on vehicles. Itā€™s as simple as that. Iā€™ve wondered about the role of Automotive at the Space with regard to ā€˜maintenanceā€™ vs. ā€˜makingā€™. They are two different things. Does Automotive want to be an auto ā€˜repairā€™ shop or an auto ā€˜augmentationā€™ shop? And as far as making and restorations? Again, I donā€™t see how the Space manages demand equitably.

Just my observations/opinions.

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Food for thoughtā€¦is maintenance and repair really ā€˜makingā€™? Itā€™s not as clean a fit as other areas at the Space and Iā€™ve wondered about itsā€™ use versus itā€™s place at the Space.


I donā€™t knowā€¦ Iā€™ve made a mess when changing my oil. :wink:


ā€œBut seriously ladies and gentlemen, Iā€™m here ā€˜til Thursday. Try the veal. Heyā€¦is this mike on?ā€

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Donā€™t get me wrong, I love auto repair and maintenance. I took auto mechanics in high school and took a rebuilt 3 speed truck transmission to State competition back in the day. I have an affinity for Automotive. Iā€™m just curious as to itā€™s ā€˜project charterā€™ at the Space, so to speak.

This seems to be the typical view held by what appears to be everyone outside of the Auto committee. ā€œItā€™s not making,ā€ they say, ā€œitā€™s just fixing something that already exists!ā€

As if other committees donā€™t have their fair share of members using their facilities to fix stuff they already own. And as if people donā€™t use the automotive facilities to modify or tinker with their cars. This isnā€™t an oil change shop, itā€™s a place for people to learn about their cars by getting dirty and working on them. Even for as long as Iā€™ve been working on cars- including a stint as a professional mechanic- Iā€™ve never rolled a car into the auto square and not learned something new.

If learning through sweating isnā€™t consistent with what DMS is about, I donā€™t know what is.


This is a non-trivial percentage of what goes on in the E-lab, the common room, and the general workshop.


I agree completely that Automotive is an educational and learning opportunity. No disagreements there.


What, exactly, constitutes a non trivial percentage?

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Isnā€™t vector just fixing something non-operational? I think vector absolutely fits the DMS idea, just like automotive.

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I like the idea of a required introductory or ā€œ101ā€ class. Itā€™s obvious now that itā€™s been brought up but Iā€™m surprised nobody has brought this up before.


Donā€™t have survey numbers, but Iā€™ve seen enough electronics repair in the e-lab, enough troubleshooting of arduino setups in the common room, and enough RC vehicle / tool / small engine / whatnot repair in the general workshop to conclude that itā€™s a routine usage of those locations.

If you want to strike to our tax-exempt purpose itā€™s education, which we as an organization have separately - and only recently - deemed to be principally around making.

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Itā€™s been brought up on occasion, but nothing has ever really panned out. Would be good for the community though, for sure.

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I support the idea of having an auto bay class but donā€™t support the idea of charging for it. I promote membership on tours I give by noting that I use the auto bay to change my own oil and oil filters and state that I probably save enough to pay for membership. I think itā€™s a good selling point as long as the auto bay doesnā€™t get misused.

The 45 day part seems like it would set a pretty troubling precedent that could end up impacting much more than just automotive.

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