Naming the classrooms

Eris is a planet in our solar system too :wink:

You can paint more than a color on a wall to let you know what room is what. Murals or high res prints of the planets. Info sheets and data about each planet and their moons.


But it ties our hands on repainting the rooms.

Some have asked that the classrooms be painted neutral colors so that the lighting is more suitable for artwork.


I’ll second N101, N102, N013, S101, S102, S103, etc.

MUCH simpler.


So long as there is an N7 classroom, I’m good with that naming convention.



The cardinal coordinate system falls apart when DMS expands into the location directly south of us. :wink:

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my vote is colors and the doors be colored

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Not gonna happen. That suite has no fire sprinklers and it would cost us a bunch to install those. And yes - it would be required.



Can the landlord even rent that space out without retrofitting it? If so, why is that our problem?

If we didn’t use a numbering system, I like the idea of naming them after inventors or artists. Plus endless possibilities


Whatever the names wind up, it’d be great if when one is submitting a class, when picking location, that there is a button near the classroom picker to choose if you need to pop up the reference map

I know when I first started teaching, I’d be submitting s class, but was uncertain of some of the room names, which exact room, until I’d been there longer. It’ll be worse with more rooms.

We can learn new designations, but to be sure when choosing rooms, it’d be nice to have a map one can bring up without having to navigate away from class submission and potentially have it dump what you’ve just filled out. Plus really convenient


The gist of the situation, as I understand it from the architect, is that something can’t be partially sprinkled. Because our existing space is sprinkled we can’t expand into unsprinkled space without bringing it up to the same standard.

If anyone else wants to discuss this (which I’m happy to do), let me know and I’ll split it into a separate thread.


If would have to be improved before a Certificate of Occupancy could be granted. Typically Landlord would make improvement and bump rent to recover the cost of installation.

Painting doors is good. Walls, not so much.

Numbers are an easy add as well.

/Zoidberg “Why not both?”

Most people have trouble remembering arbitrary numbers and need some sort of association to help with recall.

I would like to setup the displays at each room to show the class name, time, and room names on them. That also have a way finding map and list of classes for the day (that will show where the classroom is when you select it) on the two larger touch screens. I work in DOOH/Digital Signage so I cant help but see screens and want to put content on them :slight_smile:

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Might I suggest whatever the final naming convention ends up being that the rooms are clearly labeled?


Hence the suggestion for both. Some of us work well with numbers.

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A cautionary tale.

In Laser, many of our members still don’t know the names of Donner and Blitzen.
Or they forget which is which.
Even though the names are on their lids in big friendly letters.

The worst was naming the Nova 63 “Thunder”, which is the brand of three of our lasers.
The refrain “which one?” was practically a drinking game.

Finally the name Big Thunder took hold and that has helped.


Colors are simple. Make 18" “Dot” that is attached 90 degrees to wall above door, with color name on dot (Color blind issues), Then can be seen down the hallway from distance.


Whatever we pick, please make it consistent and uniform.

Our current system is a bit of a jumble and there is a scarcity of maps.



Did everyone know that the purple classroom is actually labeled?
I just noticed a couple of weeks ago that there’s a dark purple vinyl decal on the dark brown frame of the door.

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