Missing hand tools

GlassWorks continues to have missing hand cutting tools.

When you load up your stuff to leave, please double check to make sure you have not accidentally put any hand tools with your stuff.

Also, please check to see if you have accidentally brought some tools home. If so please bring them back.

Thank you,
Anita Willis


Do you have them color-tagged? That can help them find their way back home. Spray paint or nail polish (I use a metallic teal on My leatherworking tools - DMS Leatherworking SIG uses hot pink) can help with sorting at the end of the day.

If you have photos or whatever I’ll be happy to keep an eye out for them in the areas of the shop I frequent.

Do you have any time frames for this? We do have camera coverage of this area.

Sorry I don’t have a time frame. The burnt tools were under other tools and could have been there a while. Also, I had not been in that drawer for about 2 weeks.

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Vector has lost a lot of tools since the move and has since received donations of tools from me and from a non-DMS member. The tool box in Vector is now locked and only specific members have keys.

Glassworks needs to look at doing the same thing.

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Jewelry tried that when people kept destroying our hand tools using them for unapproved purposes. We were told unequivocally that wasn’t acceptable unless it was one or two special areas like a teaching cabinet.

Who told you? If it’s not the committee chair then they can piss up a rope.

The board &nbsp

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If they board wants to allocate more money for tools then I could see that, otherwise, they have no business in the day to day running of a committee. It’s up to the committee to lock up their tools and see that the classes are taken care of. Vector is switching locks on the toolbox to standard arcade locks where most of the members in the scene already have that numbered key.

Tools for use by members generally have to be available unless it’s a teaching only (like extra welding supplies) / restricted tool (like infrastructure’s personnel lift). You can require training, or they can get a code from a committee member with a direct request ( a la the laser cabinet model, which we also adopted in metal for some tools)


The tools in Vector are generally available to committee members. Too many have walked off to do otherwise.

Can I ask what kinds of tools you’re talking about here? Are they specific to Vector?
IMO - Tools that are unavailable to the general membership should be VERY limited in scope and quantity, or it just becomes a workshop for a select few members.


That’s not how this place works. Powers in high declared you cannot turn your entire comittee space into an escape room for personal comittee convenience and general membership consensus was agreement. General reasoning was the only time its acceptable to have a full lockout is if the tool is IMMEDIATELY accessible like the metal grinder, or if its legitimately dangerous. If JSM is not allowed to lock the masses out of a $60 mandrel (with some of the hand tools in the drawers being more expensive than that) another comittee cannot do over a $20 pair of pliers.

I hope they’re returned and that sucks but camera enforcement is the best bet.

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Specialized tool will be locked. Folks can use the shared tools available in other parts of DMS - oh, wait, those are broken and have been walked off with too… Darn.

Committee members have/will have keys.

Can I (again) ask what kind of specialty tools these are?


I’m only one board member but I don’t see a problem with locking up tools to prevent theft. I guess it’s possible I might have to vote to override if someone appeals to the board and presents a good argument - trying to limit tool use to a select few for example - but I don’t have any issues with this conceptually. Also, I’d rather not override chairs. I prefer for issues to be handled with committee voting and chair elections whenever possible…unless I have serious concerns about risk to DMS as a whole.

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Yeah, I’m also curious as to which Board gave JSM that guidance. I certainly don’t recall it, and within a set of parameters, would be fine with scheduled access to certain tools.

However…as Adam Oas keeps asking… which tools are we talking about?

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I know who, but I’m not saying. It’s water under the bridge, now. Going forward, it does make it difficult to prevent people from using tools intended for fine jewelry from being used on steel and other hard metals. Aside from finding car parts in the ultrasonic cleaner we also lost several files to a guy that thought it was okay to shape his hardened steel knife blade with files intended for soft metals.


If we want to move forward, talk to this current Board about what’s needed. We can collaborate as necessary to help address the situation.