Missing hand tools

I just want to clarify… We all agree that a committee using it’s (DMSs) money to buy a generic screwdriver set and locking it up so only people in their group can use it is wrong, right? Good.

I’m guessing the tools in the Vector box are delicate and specialized for Vectors purpose. I think the Jewlery tools mentioned would also qualify, since they’re only designed for specific metals.

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Locking them up for only a select few defeats the purpose of having tools for members. I thought this is why we were installing rfid’s?
I get its annoying when people break stuff but that’s kinda part of the deal of having public tools.


And the guy who was using mandrels in automotive to align bolt holes…forcibly, with a hammer :woman_facepalming:

My apologies for not making it clearer. The “no lockouts for you” directive came from a previous board. As far as I know since we redid training and frequency it’s been better

At this time we are leaving a limited quantity of tools out for member use.

Then some of the same tools are locked up so they are available for classes.


Excellent. What disappeared other than the torched running pliers? I’ll see if I can get some

I know that picking a color has gotten special, once we went past 7 committees, but that’s a good point. We should pick some color – duct tape or paint, and I’ll see to getting it put on all of our tools.

Guys – the glass working tools are unusual and different. However, in shape a clueless person might think that they’re Just Pliers, and not be bothered by the fact that they don’t work well as pliers.

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I just my theory, I think people are packing them up with their stuff and taking them home. Colors won’t help if the tools are not onsite.

We choose dark red, lazer was red… printing painted there stuff red. The color thing did not work.

Should I make labels for the drawers? Maybe then folks would know while plierish, they aren’t actually pliers

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Labels couldn’t hurt.

Marking the tools with a color will help against accidental walking-off. If it isn’t marked, you don’t realize it belongs to the Space. Marked – you go “Oops!” and bring it back when you discover it. I realize that only relates to honest-but-forgetful folks and won’t deter intentional theft.


10 4. I think the vinyl cutter is up and running. If so I can run some when I’m there next

This discussion is of particular interest to me. I know it was already asked but I did not see a response so let me ask it this way; " What would be included in a set of glass working specific tools?"

“Set” is probably a misnomer. There are running pliers, which usually have a soft plastic cover so as not to scratch the glass. (The person who scorched a pair removed the plastic.) There’s a couple of different types of plier-y things that are used to “crunch” your glass – perhaps for a shape you want. I’m a bit new to glass, and they have odd names. Glass cutters – 2 different types, but they both work. If you were building a set, you’d pick your favorite. Or the cheapest. Stained glass has a couple of additional specific tools, I think.

Please wait before you decide to label the cabinets!!!

I appreciate the offer but we will be moving things around in the next 2 weeks. With our stuff out of storage now we have a lot of unpacking to do.

We have plans to label all the cabinets once we are settled in. If you still want to help when we are ready that would be appreciated.

Thank you

I’d just planned to put them in a drawer. I can not make too many meetings so haven’t the foggiest idea what half the drawers contain


Thank you for your time and offer to do that Amanda,

Everything should match, John G used a golden yellow for the cart and tall cabinets.

One real key solution here is that we need to make sure that GENERAL TOOLS are very well stocked. If I need a pair of pliers and have easy access to find them, then I won’t go using specialty tools.

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I tend to think people are accidentally placing them up with there stuff when they load up to go. Much like walking out with DMS googles on.

Please check your stuff and bring back any tools if you find them.

Nail polish comes in LOTS of colors. I use iridescent blue-green for my leatherworking tools. The specific color is less important than there being a color on it. Anyone picking up their tools at the end of a work session would be able to say “not mine” if there is a committee color on it.

Getting it back “home” from within DMS is another issue, but some Sharpie annotations could help there.