I’m toying with the idea of trying some metal spinning. Do we have the equipment to do this?
I do not envision a large part, as is typically done, but it still looks like something I’d like to try.
I’m toying with the idea of trying some metal spinning. Do we have the equipment to do this?
I do not envision a large part, as is typically done, but it still looks like something I’d like to try.
We’ve talked about it before. Don’t think we have the stuff, but I’d love to be wrong…
We have done it before. I say we loosely. I was with Chuck when he tried to get some spinning done.
What did you have in mind? We could try it on one of the Thursday nights.
Ultimately I want to spin something about the size of a large thimble, out of thin brass sheet. I suppose that in theory we could use the Tormach to make a form.
I am also interested. We have a random wood lathe that we are storing for free for someone. @rlisbona knows the person and we were discussing getting it operational again for use in metal spinning.
Jimmy Aldridge donated an old powermatic 90 missing the spindle, and a spindle from a oneway lathe, we would need to make an adapter.
In the short term, for something as small as Chris is making any of our wood or metal lathes could be used, just need a wooden or metal mandrel, a polished steel tool to rub on the part, and a toolholder to pry against. I havent done metal spinning but have watched enough videos to know its not that difficult.
There are two types of metal spinners. Those who understand the art, and make it look effortless, and those who think they understand and usually fail badly.
That second set includes “this old tony” YouTube channel. So not someone lacking in tools, or metalworking experience. Though he failed far less than many others, my recollection is even on his second attempt he still called it a fail.
Oh trust me, I don’t expect this to turn out beautiful. I know it’s very much an art. But it still looks like an interesting experiment.
Don’t know a thing about metl spinning (no practical experience) but would love to learn.
Count me in.