Member's Project

Well, you have at least three choices…

  1. Create a wiki page / section for your project…
    Dallas Makerspace
    There is even a members area you could use for the root…
    Category:Members - Dallas Makerspace

  2. Create a topic here on the forum. You can even drag-then-drop images in the edit box like I did with this one…

  3. Create an off-site page / site / blog then create a link from here to there.


Thanks for the solid options Brian!

My thoughts on the options you listed

MakerSpace wiki
I used to maintain the member profiles and projects on the wiki. it is ok. not hard, but very slow. Adding images is rough. I like that option as a lasting repository of a person’s work. I would had just a brief title and summary, with a link to elsewhere for the photos and detail.

I think this is the my favorite option. It has that facebook/g+/instagram/pinterest immediacy.
adding a few photos is easy. you can link out for more detail and more pics.

Offsite page / site / blog
this is where you really want do provide all the detail and photos. you have the most control over the content, and can share with the rest of the world. it can be personal website, a service like dropbox or flickr or tumblr or google or … so many options. It can also be a shared learning site like Instructables.

If you choose this last option. please link back to us via Talk so we can check it out and say wonderful things about what you brought to life.

Thanks. I will ask my girlfriend to help me figure something out.I am old and still use an abacus and a slide rule and pen and paper.I appreciate the quick feedback. I think if we can get our “creations” out there it will stimulate others.Have a fun weekend. I will probably be down there for my weekly pilgrimage. Jeff WhitcombAll American Relocation an agent for Mayflower Transit

2100 Bowling GreenDenton, TX 76201



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You can also post things to Blog – Dallas Makerspace and a moderator will approve it.

See New Member 411 under “What is a “” account and when would I use it?” for the link to access that.


You are welcome.

What do you have in mind? Showcase? Instructional? Tutorial?

More to stimulate but also to tutor a little. I think we need more general teaching.

Brian,I was a little under the weather earlier. I think my main objective is to stimulate both morecreative ideas within the group and also open up some more ways to help train and inspire one another.The stuff I make is kind of simple but I see some things being done that are unique.With a showcase we can bring the imagination of others to the forefront and us older and more staidmembers can see what can be done. If someone posts their object/project it will stimulate others to ask them about it. The benefits are both more educational opportunities for the members but also thepositive reinforcement for the members posting. We have so many folks who are willing to share their knowledge we just need to give more of them an opportunity.Just ranting and raving. MakerSpace has given me a new outlet for my abundant energy. Jeff WhitcombAll American Relocation an agent for Mayflower Transit

2100 Bowling GreenDenton, TX 76201



I just checked out the Dallas Makerspace blog, it has added a lot of interesting projects made at the Dallas Makerspace.

All makers should check it out.

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