I’ll be at the Space on Saturday night at 10:00PM to move things out of Interactive into Lecture Hall so things can be set up Sunday morning. Hope folks show up to help to move chairs, etc.
It’s on calendar
@Coul Are the stack of monitors still in Interactive? If so, please get move them. Thanks @talkers If there are other items you want to purge this would be good time. Thanks
Walter asked me for one of them wanting to convert it to an X-Y vector display. I said go ahead, and please teach a class where each student takes one home. Since his ban, that is not likely to happen any time soon.
If no other resolution, Beth said she can dispose of them.
Raymond is welcome to them! We only get chump-change for recycling them. I’ll move them over to the Exchange Shelf Saturday if Raymond hasn’t picked them up.
They cannot go on the Exchange Shelf unless we are waiving the no CRT rule.
Maybe keep them in Digital Media until Raymond or Beth makes them disappear? Different chair, but after all, that is the committee which accepted them.