Somebody left a stack of small color monitors in the Interactive Classroom. These will have to be removed soon or we will give them away or otherwise dispose of them.
These color monitors were donated to the Digital Media folks. They told me to stack them there. Suggest you contact those folks for removal.
Sounds like they were effectively donated to Classroom Committee…
100% useless for actual video production. I have an old one that was basically identical to those that went to recycle a few years back.
If you need to dispose of them, I can take them to the Dallas Dry Gulch area. They accept most technology. If you don’t have a use for them, they should probably sit a spell on the Exchange Shelf before they go to recycling.
Who was the person(s) that just “abandoned” them there? Just because they don’t want something they don’t just leave it for others to take care.
If these belong to DM, then DM needs to step-up and take care of their disposal if not needed.
As you might find by reading the entire thread, these have been donated to Digital Media. The debate is over whether someone wants them and can use them, or if we should let go of them.
I agree the thread indicates DM owns them, but is your position that committee equipment can just be left in the classrooms or other areas for others to deal with? If it is, then we are in disagreement and apparently the Classroom Chair, whose area it is, doesn’t want them there. That is my issue, in this case it happens equipment that belongs to DM.
I am the one that donated these monitors. I was at DMS on last Sunday and asked the Digital Media folks if they wanted them, they were currently meeting in the Interactive Classroom at the time. They said that they wanted them and told me to place them in the corner of the Interactive Room. I told them that they would be delivered on Wednesday. So, on Wednesday they were delivered and I placed them where I was told. It is now their responsibility to move them, they now belong to DMS.
Someone on this thread suggested that they be moved to the Exchange Shelf, Can’t do that because no CRT monitors are allowed on the Exchange Shelf.
What kind of monitors were they?
Egad. No wonder there is displeasure over these. I haven’t seen a CRT monitor in general use in corporate America in nearly 10 years.
Certain types of monitors have held their values VERY well and have actually gone way up in price. This is why I’m asking what kind they are.
They are fairly standard Sony 7 inch portable CRTs (4:3), They will have GREAT color rendition, but IIRC don’t even have SDI connections. These are only good for some sort of art installation, or harvested for components at this point. These are garbage otherwise.
If those are PVMs they are very sought after, especially if they have RGB inputs.
Didn’t actually check that closely.
When I see a pile like that, I just assumed that it was a studio monitor wall tear-out and I’d assume that the BVMs are the ones that are sought after. Not too many engineers put in the good stuff for monitor walls…