Looking for private workspace

Railings must be gold plated and sliding screen doors are spendy! :wink:

Yeah not sure why you would need two sliding glass doors, I guess air circulation?

Now that I’ve found the listing, I’m convinced they’re not a rational seller. $2k - $4k new, perhaps double that in materials and labor on their ‘studio’ and they want to double their money.

looking it over, I’m convinced they think they can sell it as a “tiny home”.

also… who remembers Tuff shed?

Just designed a 196 sqft space for under 7k using their app:

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Markets are all about the intersection of willing seller with willing buyer. The latter part of the equation appears to be missing in this case and may never be found unless the terms are significantly altered.

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The container itself is only about $1,500 and based on no inside pics we can assume the outside mods are worth maybe $4-5k. If they dropped it to $12k maybe, maybe.

If enough folks are looking for a workshop maybe we can rent out the old Tanner’s location. It’s 11,120 sq ft… that would be big enough right?


You and some other guy think alike :joy: