Looking for private workspace

When I needed an utility shed I went to the Home Depot shed display in the parking lot, broke out my tape measure and a pencil, and wrote down the measurements of every 2x4 in the thing. Then went home and built an identical shed. Framed the foundation using 2x8(?) galvanized steel framing members. Cost was somewhere around $800 versus the $2500 they were asking.


I don’t know if you can buy a Pod, but when you’re using one for moving, it comes with a truck with a crane to set it down in your driveway. Might not be big enough to set it down in the back yard… (the crane, that is)

And the workmanship on yours was probably 100% nicer than the one in the HD parking lot. I was contemplating building a shed a few years ago, and looked at the Tuff Sheds at Home Depot. I came away thinking, “if your ‘demo’ model looks this bad, how bad will the one you ship to my house be?”

Yeah, mine is dimensionally identical but 100% screwed together rather than nailed. That one thing alone makes for a much sturdier shed.

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While I cannot speak to their quality, I gather that Tuff Shed makes higher tiers of product than they sell at the 'Despot - available from them directly.

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Not to fully hijack the thread but I got my shed built today. The two builders got it done in about 6-7 hours


Was it a kit?

No, the company DFWshed built it. Its their 8x14 Lean-To model. I had them add a window

Saw this on Facebook Marketplace today. Way too rich for my blood. Not really looking for a shed or container not enough room in the backyard as it is for the dogs and then there is the whole Plano HOA thing. Once I figured out sqft/year pricing there are some small rental properties on Looper that might be options in the future if this continues longer not sure how they would feel about a workshop/woodshop moving in though.

That’s cool, but not twenty-five large cool for a tarted-up TEU.


Also beware of other restrictions… In Lewisville once you hit the magic 200sq ft size you must brick it.

At my previous house we built the workshop at 192sq ft to stay under that limit.


Railings must be gold plated and sliding screen doors are spendy! :wink:

Yeah not sure why you would need two sliding glass doors, I guess air circulation?

Now that I’ve found the listing, I’m convinced they’re not a rational seller. $2k - $4k new, perhaps double that in materials and labor on their ‘studio’ and they want to double their money.

looking it over, I’m convinced they think they can sell it as a “tiny home”.

also… who remembers Tuff shed?

Just designed a 196 sqft space for under 7k using their app:

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Markets are all about the intersection of willing seller with willing buyer. The latter part of the equation appears to be missing in this case and may never be found unless the terms are significantly altered.

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The container itself is only about $1,500 and based on no inside pics we can assume the outside mods are worth maybe $4-5k. If they dropped it to $12k maybe, maybe.

If enough folks are looking for a workshop maybe we can rent out the old Tanner’s location. It’s 11,120 sq ft… that would be big enough right?


You and some other guy think alike :joy: