Lipman (.95) printer issues

Hi @Team_3D_Fab,
I’m newer to 3D printing (I took the online class already and have successfully printed with ABS here once) and was printing some PLA (my personal 1.75, 190-220 C material) on Lipman (wasn’t marked as ABS only). After some issues trying to figure out how to get the temperature lower (I eventually learned to lower it in KISSLICER after it kept jumping to 250C after I kept manually setting the target temp in Octoprint to 190-210C).
The print seemed to be going well for a while but during the print, the nozzle seems to have clogged as no filament was coming but the head/ hotend was still moving in the print formation. I tried extruding filament to clear it but nothing was released. I left a note, turned the temps of the bed and tool to “off” and left the machine door open.
Would anyone be able to help me with this? Also would anyone be able to help me figure out how to use PLA with the printers? I’m attempting to make a template that I can vacuum form PETG around and make food safe molds for ice or chocolate.

In future this sort of report should go in the issues and request category tagging @Team_3D_Fab and you’ll need a green dot to do that.

See About the Member Access (Green Dot) category

I know we don’t use PLA on the Polyprinters. Is the Rostock printer still in use?

That Bambu is the only one for pla

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