Let's put art on the ceiling - not individual tiles

I would think it would be up to the committee to decide if they want them in their areas. I’m mainly thinking of the common areas and classrooms.

How about we don’t and say we did?


This was something my mom always said to me growing up. “Let’s not and say we did.”

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If you want to say something, suggest how it can work …

Telling people what to say isn’t as productive as you’d expect.


How about the floors?




My son’s elementary school did this for the entry hall. It looks awful. Like an epic Pinterest fail.


I’m thinking a max of 4 per room. I don’t like covering all of them with them either

I’m thinking that we have walls for a reason and this will look terrible.


That is the kind of art I’m talking about … awesome

We could do one of the tiles to look like there is a space above the ceiling … perhaps on a tile some place that has high ceilings …

3d-false-ceiling-design-of-gypsum-board-for-hallways 11-5-e1539537830908-630x350



Ok - how about let’s NOT reduce the brightness in the rooms.

Visual noise on every surface is not pleasant to many as well.


I would say some purple rooms need a little brightness darkening. But I would also say to not cover the ceiling with art but have splashes of it … besides some might incorporate lighting

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I’ll try to get some pictures of the ceiling tiles at my school. I’m not a fan to be honest, but the kids love them.

I love the idea of a communal art project and people “making a mark” on our space - however, I personally don’t like the look. Right now, I think it’s absolutely critical to push some energies into getting the space upright (it looks knocked down and rough in parts) and so many people are working to get it back up - but I believe we need a strong - systematic - nauseatingly overly organized push to get us looking ship shape - art should and will come - but right now some of the areas at dms are in need. I will post my thoughts when I have time.


Agreed. Perhaps another option…say a 10x10 Show?

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I enjoy the 10x10. I think it should run all year - not as a contest but to show off work.
Maybe dedicate one wall (10’ x 10’ sounds right) to a member/artist that can fill it for a couple of months at a time.


Or have a rotating Committee wall of 10x10’s?

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This. So much this.


Totally agree! 10x10 is something that should run continually!