Let's put art on the ceiling - not individual tiles

I will let PR deal with approval… or talking with Infrastructure

Best proposal of the day.

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There has been nothing put up on the system bought last year that’s in place outside the galley on the south side for quite a while. I hate for this purchase to stand stagnant. Is there a process to be able to use this display area? I’d like to put up class displays and such.

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I’d redirect your inquiry to @Team_PR

The hanging system was actively utilized for 6 straight months, and it makes hanging new exhibits a matter of minutes.

Great for any PR-approved use!


Not to mention, moving out would be a huge rnough burden and expense without having to accomplish such mass replacement.

First, I’m not advocating covering the entire ceiling with art. Just in a few select places that look good.

Second, no telling what we will have to do to fix up before we leave, most likely alot anyway.

I was imagining a building full of ‘em. As Emily Litella would say, “Nevermind”. :slightly_smiling_face:

This was discussed in the last PR meeting to have 14x14ish of each committee, with a representation of what the committee offers, for anyone waiting in or visiting the lobby.

I got distracted about halfway through this post with an idea. It may have already been mentioned, but instead of painting the tiles, what if their was a ‘ceiling show’. Similar to the 10x10 show but each piece is the size of a ceiling tile, and cant weigh too much.
That way its a limited time installation, but also brings some colors/changes to the vast sea of white tiles.

A curious saying… "Lets not and say we did" as it encourages people to lie about what they have or have not done.

Why not just as easily say “Lets do it, and deny it later” as it’s basically the same concept, right?

I’d much rather see the old stripes on the wall, showing the way to get to this classroom or that one.

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The Stanley Parable Adventure Line … Yes this is the line we need… right?

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I’m sure @artg_dms doesn’t want to be on the ceiling but if he is ok with it, fine by me.

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Im not sure the ceiling tile art would look that good,
what about a Lego wall?

Oh come on now.
Surely you can do better than that. :laughing:

My comedy skills are lacking since being on BoD. (Ok, they were poor before that too)

Dad jokes!!! Everyone needs a good dad joke.
Did you know that that cows have best friends? They are always there to help each other move. I’m here all week folks.

May have started back when you were Chair of Electronics…:rofl:

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No no no … we don’t need our chairs on the ceiling … the red ones are already hard enough to sit on :stuck_out_tongue:

@uglyknees … did you put the Christmas tree on the ceiling one year?

Twasn’t me.
“the kid” did this hanging art piece early on in the DMS years with the first makers make show.

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