@Team_Laser. Mark you calendars. Who knows when Scott will bless us with his cooking again?
Bring something to share because we’re not small eaters on Work Day.
Sounds Amazing. So do we need to bring a side like potato salad or what else may be needed?
Potato salad is always a winner!
Best not to overthink it. Folks are happy to eat whatever comes along.
Plus, it’s Ryan @somecallmery’s last Laser Work Day.
We’re heartbroken.
We can drown our sorrows in food…and dessert if some kind soul will bring.
Last month I had fun, learned a bit AND they fed me!
You bet I’m showing up to the next one!
I will bring the brisket, some sauce (homemade of course); pickles, sliced white onions and cheap white bread. It’s not Texas bbq without those things.
Any/all other food items (like sides) are most welcome, but certainly not expected!
@Team_Laser, you’ll probably never want me to cook for you again after Scott’s brisket.
In fact, I suspect this is his initial salvo in a bloodless coup.
Alas, can your loyalty be bought with smoked meats?
Only one way to find out!
I have pinned this in the laser category. In a couple days I will pin it globally.
Usually all loyalty is created with smoke meats or carbs.
Meats for the long term lovin
How many people do you expect? I plan to attend if possible and would gladly pickup some cupcakes or cookies from CostCo if that would help. Just need an idea of how much to get.
Turnout is about 15.
But who knows with brisket?
Hi Gary,
Laser Maintenance Day and Committee Mtg. Usually draws approx. 12 folks,
give or take a few.
You are welcome to join and learn about Laser Committee affairs and Laser
maintenance on Sunday! 11-2pm.
Laser Vice Chair
Do you prefer cupcakes, cookies, other?? dessert?
I will bring enough for 15 people. See you on Sunday.
@somecallmery, who we are saying farewell to as he returns to the bosom of his family in Florida, has said he loves Reese’s peanut butter pie.
Now, I’m not saying make something from scratch. But if you happen to see anything that is peanut buttery, I think that would be wonderful. Your choice of type. No worries.
Just a quick dialing in on expectations for Sunday’s Laser Committee Mtg./Laser Maintenance/BBQ (note: bbq is not cooked with lasers):
Existing Laser Committee attendees; Members who want to begin actively participating on the Laser Committee; and those who want to learn more about our lasers are heartily welcome to join us this Sunday from 11a - 2p.
After the Committee meeting (11-12p), come prepared to roll up your sleeves and help clean and maintain the lasers for everyone’s benefit (including yours). You might learn something new and cool about the lasers along the way! Wear clothes that you do not mind getting sooty/dirty.
In return for your maintenance day efforts, I will happily and gratiously feed smoked brisket to those who (through their fine efforts on Sunday) help support the Laser program. This is definitely a ‘Quid Pro Quo’ arrangement.
FWIW, if you pull up the cameras page to see if the lasers are in use … I (temporarily) edited the header to show the maintenance shut-down.