Laser Banned Materials Question

For the sweet, sweet YouTube likes, and Reddit upvotes, of course!


Willingness to take risks goes up when it is someone else’s money. There’s a reason I don’t let anyone else ride my Zero, especially my brother (who used to be a stunt rider). :rofl:


It’s a $20 lens.

(although the hype is effective) It’s not like Chicken Little his bad self is going to show-up and blow-up the whole danged machine.

dont forget the rest of the costs
++ down time + volunteer work better used elsewhere + bitching from people who think they are customers not members = not worth shitty laser cut pizza you werent going to eat anyway


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I make baklava and I’ve been tempted to etch the cut pattern on the top surface. It would be about 800mm/10% to brown the top layer of dough. Like an arctic explorer, I tend to lean left while cutting by hand and make a wide arc (r ~ 3’) instead of a straight line.

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