Lasagna Recipe - Beef & Cheese Lasagna

This is an amazing Lasagna recipe

@Josh_Melnick @uglyknees


Pioneer woman lasagna is an easy recipe and it is super tasty. Using cottage cheese instead of ricotta sounded so weird to me at first but it totally works. We make this every other month or so and freeze the leftover, it reheats well.



2 people versus 9x13 lasagna…yes, leftover haha.


I have a 17 and 19 year old, I have to cook enough for an army to make sure I have leftovers!


We need a lasagna get together at some point … and music party :wink:


We have actually been thinking about a BoD pot-luck/benefit for the MFF for a while and asking for nominal donation to eat our favorite dishes. Just no traction quite yet.

I make a mean Ambrosia…


We can do a regular potluck, pancake breakfast, grill out, etc.


How much would you say that atmosphere of where you eat makes a difference in taste or overall experience? For example, going out with friends to a nice restaurant as opposed to eating the same food by yourself at home.

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As long as it has everything the body needs, I am fine either way.


What’s the pancake mix company that begins with a k? It’s…ugh…I swear my brain is broken…

Anyways -the K company - gives back 50% of the funds for non-profit fundraisers if you use them/fill out paperwork. “We(which let’s be honest I’ve been totally not around)” could do a pancake brunch fundraiser for dms without much overhead at all…I know this because just this morning I was looking into a waffle event for school. I know the pancake batter is a minimal cost (bags of it for $6 at Costco) but I think it’s an amazing program and I love to support companies that think like this.

On it could be for blacksmithing - pancakes and pounding what other names could it have???

Everyone could bring unusual pancake toppings just to spice it up a bit pop rocks and pancakes…hell yes

We could have pancake art showoff corner for the kids and Instagram-thirsty among us
We could do it all Korean bbq style and just buy like 10 flat griddles and put them in the middle of the tables charge people some money at the door and call it a day.
Pancake eating contest
Pancake pitching challenge (frisbee plus pancake)
Pancake punch contest (I have no idea what this could be but I’m sure someone could come up with something)


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Whatever happened to the 3d printer pancake machine?

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A year ago the schooldays grew long and we got stir crazy so we (art teachers) decided to “sponsor” a banana pudding contest. We challenged the school to a “Nanner-off” to be crowned the southern queen/king of the school. Best day ever. People bringing us pans of banana pudding to eat and all i did was make a crown out of a cookie box along with distributing cups of banana pudding to the absolutely luckiest people ever.

Such a great day.


I love her cinnamon roll recipe. I make it every December in obsessive Costco worthy bulk to gift out to teachers I work with. I usually make something like 8 pans a night for weeks on end. I’ve tweaked the icing but it’s solid.

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@Nick and I both have awesome dual waffle makers. Could do waffles in the fall. Too damn hot to slave behind a waffle maker in the summer.

Or chili cook off: DMS Chili Kings & Queens.


Awesome idea

‘Place’ is definitely a factor. I’ve had French wine in France that was much better on the lawn below the Eiffel Tower than it was in my home. Same with my trip to Spain. And I can guarantee you that wine consumed in Napa Valley is much better than the same wine in a Dallas chain restaurant.

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I think you are right. Our environment affects us more than we realize and not just with taste.

Here is what Disney Imagineers take to heart …

  1. Know your audience – Identify the prime audience for your attraction or show before you begin design
  2. Wear your Guests’ shoes – Insist that your team members experience your creation just the way Guests do
  3. Organize the flow of people and ideas – Make sure there is a logic and sequence in our stories and the way Guests experience them
  4. Create a wienie (visual magnet) – Create visual “targets” that will lead Guests clearly and logically through your facility
  5. Communicate with visual literacy – Make good use of color, shape form, texture – all the nonverbal ways of communication
  6. Avoid overload – create turn-ons – Resist the temptation to overload your audience with too much information and too many objects
  7. Tell one story at a time – Stick to the story line; good stories are clear, logical, and consistent
  8. Avoid contradictions – maintain identity – Details in design or content that contradict one another confuse an audience about your story or the time period it takes place in
  9. For every once of treatment, provide a ton of treat – Walt Disney said you can educate people, but don’t tell them you’re doing it. Make it fun!
  10. Keep it up! (Maintain it) – In a Disney park or resort, everything must work. Poor maintenance is poor show!
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This thread is making me soooo hungry.

I think you are thinking of Krusteaz Pancake or Waffle Mix.

Yes, this is true and 2 people pumping out waffles on the dual makers can really do some production, especially if you have a warming over to keep them hot. But, I think this would only work if we were doing dessert waffles as DMS isn’t a breakfasts hours destination. This could be an event thrown by 4 busy bodies and serve 100+ not a problem. Would take just a bit of excel wizardry to figure out profitability for the cause. But, I’d be in to help if needed, but my schedule is limited as I’m traveling about 18 days in July and August.

I concur, the wines I grabbed while out in Napa where AMAZING there. But, when I got them home, they were just good, didn’t feel special. Could of been the environment or the 4 tasting before I got to the vineyard I really liked.

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