Knife made of tool grade steel

I am looking to make a knife out of H13 steel and O1. So i can have spot on my resume for machining. Practice makes perfect. I was wondering if i might get some help?

Thomas J Bowman

I have used O1 steel for making knives, but be warned that they tarnish quicker than say 1095 steel. Both are pretty easy to heat treat.

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We have an induction furnace now, and a brand new belt grinder, both in the Metal Shop. They are just begging for someone to make some cool knives.


Is it a 2" X 72" belt grinder? I saw one near the Science area the other day…didn’t know if it was somebody’s grinder or if the Space got one.

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The one near science is a project. Not sure of the one in metal Shop @EthanWestern

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That one is personal storage, however in the metal shop we have a KMG 2x72 grinder with a lot of attachments, message me on a week night and I’ll get you signed off on both it and the induction forge


Are you thinking forging, stock removal(using a grinder) or machining(using a mill) a knife? Or a combination of them?

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@EthanWestern I’d love to get signed off on those if possible. There’s definitely a knife in my future.

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My preference would be to start with a grinder for stock removal seems a more hands-on approach. Then later advance to using a mill for stock removal.

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I am looking to make a knife for the purposes of having metal work and machining experience. I would like to make a power point slide and posts on linkedin. I am looking at multiple process of creating knives and picking the process i believe i can accomplish for the best effect. I am willing to include electro plating if it creates a better finish. It was mentioned that tool steel tends to tarnish.

Is this correct? Sharpening a knife with a wheel of hard wood?

Is this info correct?

I have this book. Is there a better book to learn from for this process?

Honestly I would recommend the 2x72 belt grinder over an angle grinder, it will be a lot easier and give you a better finish

I’d be happy too! Just shoot me a message or catch me at the space

Seems possible, we have a buffing wheel with rouge it will due the same thing

That is quite interesting but I haven’t heard of it before, I may look into it tho.

Not sure, I learned a lot of what I know from YouTube, forums, people at the makerspace and practice.

Using a plywood, MDF, or leather disk + polishing compound will only remove tiny bits of metal for putting the final edge on a knife blade. It’s more like stropping a razor than grinding the metal to shape.

The wood (or leather) holds the polishing compound which provides the actual sharpening. Tormek provides a commercial version of this approach with a leather wheel for their sharpening system.


If anyone wants to teach a course, I’m all in.