Kintsugi Interest

Being able to afford it and thinking it’s worth it are two completely different things. :unamused:

If a cost is involved, I have to make the determination if I personally think the cost justifies the activity for myself. $15 vs $30 is a big difference when determining whether or not to participate. There are tons of DMS classes I’ve chosen not to sign up for because the cost was personally more than I wanted to pay for that activity. Doesn’t mean it isn’t worth it for other people. It’s basic Economics 101! :wink: :money_mouth_face:

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I understood he was charging to recoup the cost of the product he had to purchase for the class. That cost is covered with $15 per person.


Is that what he told you? I am 100% fine with paying $15, especially if it’s for the class consumables. Paying $30 is a bit more than I am willing to pay for this particular class.

awe, I hope you can tell I was being sarcastic. It’s $15 and it’s due at the time of registration. It goes directly to the space.

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You do realize the sun isn’t even up yet, right? :sleeping: :wink:

So what does Clark mean by this…

I’m really confused! :weary: If we have to pay $15 to even sign up, why does he tell us we can contact him to submit advanced payment? If we already paid, what more do we need to submit? :face_with_monocle:

fam 3 people have said its only 15 bucks

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Wow, that’s a bargain, spent a lot more than that on supplies.

And none of them were the instructor who actually knows. If someone would send me Clark’s contact information since he isn’t checking Talk, I would appreciate it.

At this point, I’m signing up for the class to make sure I can at least get a spot since there was only 1 left. I was trying not to cause other issues if it really was $30 since I would then cancel. It’s a pain when someone signs up for a class and then cancels. It causes multiple people to act in order to manually put an extra slot for the class. I was trying to avoid that because I only sign up for classes I’ll actually attend. I rarely cancel a spot. I have respect for the instructors and all they do for us at DMS.

Well the class had 8 openings, so he would have to buy stuff in bulk. Maybe what’s needed divided by 8 of us is $15 each. :woman_shrugging:

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Just guessing here, but I think @Pcperk is as confused as you are. I remember when we were talking about this class. Amanda has people pay her directly, and doesn’t charge on the class registration. She explained how she does it. Apparently Clark didn’t catch that when you put it as part of the class people have to pay to sign up, so he’s asking for the assurance that you’ve paid when you can’t register without paying.

So we should all probably cancel to get our money back. Or clark cancels the class? Because as of right now, none of that money is going to clark?

Can someone just contact Clark and ask? I don’t have any contact information for him or I would, but someone has to have it. I PM’ed him almost 4 days ago and there hasn’t been a single peep and it doesn’t look like he’s even viewed my message.

Clark should have his invoice for the stuff, and he can get reimbursed. Failing that, we could order it through one of the purchasing agents.


Some people don’t use talk very often. I’m sure he will get the message soon.

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Except he specifically tells you to contact him on Talk. :woman_facepalming:

yeah but if/when you register, you have to input your credit card info in order to complete registration.
This is Dallas Makerspace, you might have to do a little exploring :slight_smile:

I know I’ve got to be really annoying people at this point, so can someone just give me Clark’s email so I can ask him? :confused:

In regards to paying when you register, Clark has been doing that for every one of his classes for the last couple months or so even when there are no materials to pay for. Paying to take a class with him is not unusual anymore.

We cannot give out people’s PII info to other members. You could give a moderator or admin your message to pass along. But I can say @Pcperk has not logged into TALK recently.

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That’s what all my comments have been about! How many times have I asked someone to contact him and not one person has? At least 1 person in ceramics has to have his contact information and could ask him to check Talk, yet no one has. I’ve asked multiple times here. :thinking:

I just sent him a PM on TALK and via his email address that is in WHMCS.

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Thank you…he just PM’ed me. @Pcperk really needs to get onto this thread and answer the questions publicly so everyone knows.