Its Alive!

Well tribe,

we are moving towards our strandbeest bike community build goal. We have wood…we got the board to support us with some funds…and we have a website…mind you it’s far from polish but its a start.

Feel free to poke around a bit…
feel free to volunteer to contribute creatively as well. We could use a photographer, writers, and who knows what else.

Next meeting is tomorrow afternoon - hope to see you guys. As far as I can tell, we don’t have huge developments to go over but we can chart the progress of our individual paths.


Now we need someone to design a Wildebeest logo… haha

Until you have some real content up, you might want to disallow ALL robot spiders.

Add the following lines to the TOP of the /robots.txt file:

User-Agent: *
Disallow: /

followed by a blank line. You can leave the remaining lines in place.

This will tell “polite” robots (like Google’s GoogleBot) to NOT index this content and show it in the search engine results. As it stands “ere” is not a particularly compelling message.

Once the GoFundMe info, etc. is uploaded, remove those two lines.

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