Interested in SIG

I don’t see any SIG meetups on the calendar. Would love to get together and meet everyone, even if it’s over the air/virtual.


Not a ton of activity. Lots of waiting for the construction to be over, and now for the door louvers and access control. Technically the SIG has not met outside an electronics committee meeting in at least the last couple of years that I am aware of.

We also will have questions about antennas and whatnot, since we no longer have the big tree out front to help hide them.

Also, anyone interested in area clubs is welcome as a visitor in person, or virtual at the LAARK club meetings. Second Tuesday of every month, 7pm 6804 Main St., The Colony, Texas. Virtual connection details on request.

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The Ham Radio SIG is what first attracted me to DMS. If help is needed getting the shack set up I will be happy to volunteer. I am an Extra & VE involved in Denton County ARES and CERT. I’m retired now so have flexible hours. 73 de KF5I

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The number of local, active clubs is encouraging. @JMAC - let’s gate crash the next electronics committee meeting and see if we can get a better feel for where things are and where we can help.

I and (I believe) my flatmate are also both interested in the SIG. I don’t know if we’ll be able to make the electronics meeting, however if there’s any work that needs to get done we’d be happy to help…


Thanks @ Jerry_Pirkle. I am a member of LARA and active in DCARA. Please let me know how I can help.