In my perfect dream land full of fairies and unicorns the space would have a commercial kitchen but since that obviously won’t be a reality anytime soon I thought I’d check and see if anyone would potentially be interested in some sugar arts classes that wouldn’t require on-site baking. I was thinking maybe one of the following?
I know this is off-topic, but I wanted to clarify the reason that there isn’t a commercial kitchen. We aren’t trying to be mean, or cheap; but there are significant health code requirements for a commercial kitchen - meaning a kitchen that prepares food that will be eaten by someone other than the person doing the preparing.
I completely assumed this was the case. Thankfully I’m able to operate under the cottage food law in Texas but when I lived in Seattle had to go through the rigmarole of getting licensed even though it was a side hustle. It was merely a silly pipe dream not a criticism.
I would love this! Every time I try any kind of sugar work it ultimately just ends up gloopy and sad looking. I think its a combination of my lack of patience and not truly understanding why I’m doing what I’m doing.
DMS unfortunately can’t operate a commercial kitchen. And as Chris summarized it succinctly: meaning a kitchen that prepares food that will be eaten by someone other than the person doing the preparing. The actual law does not mention food has to be sold. Churches, Salvation Army, etc. that prepare and give away and that food are covered. The law refers to “consumed”.
Also, the Home Cottage Rule requires items prepared in the individual’s primary residence, from TX Gov Website. So this provides no benefit. May a cottage food production operation sell products anywhere else, such as at a state fair or federal event? The statute specifies particular locations where the cottage food production operation may sell products. Privately organized special events and other locations are not allowed under the statute.
I believe we had a decorating class but they IIRC they didn’t use food but something else.
This is a recurring issue. I may contact the local health authorities to find out if there are some things like teaching - but where only the student consumes their items and has to trash the rest. We still have a preparing food clause in our lease that limits things. If there is something we can do at DMS legally, then will contact the Landlord and see if we can come up with a limited venue - which I suspect will be things that don’t require Heat to prepare.
I’d love to see us be able to do things like prepare decorative garnishes, your cookies, etc.
I have taken a number of cake decorating classes at Hobby Lobby and it was my understanding that so long as the student is bringing their own cake, decorating supplies, and not selling the item, then it was fine. They may be a good resource as well to ask how they get around the rules.