I need certification on wood shop stuff. I am attempting to send a private message to @shoottx but can’t figure this forum stuff out very quickly. So I resorted to this. Happy to pay. Sooner the better.
Dick, welcome. Calling @Team_Woodshop
I’m new as well. I’m wanting to request a private course during the holiday weekend if anyone is willing to teach. I’ll go up to $35 for a private…@Team_Woodshop
I’m not going to be at the space this weekend. Mike may be. I will have classes on the calendar next week for sure. I no longer offer private lessons.
Maybe we could do it together.
I could do a class Sunday Afternoon, Start at 2:00 it will be $25.00 Cash per person, max 4 people
Let me know if this will work for you both
Sign me up! My girlfriend wants to come too…but she’s not an official member.
A person has to be a member (or family member) before they can use the tools. This may only apply to the power tools, but that’s what the wood shop classes cover.
Anyone can take a class and anyone over 18 can use the tools as long as they’re under the supervision of a trained and authorized member.
Okay, then I’ll come
Wait really? When I joined I was told I couldn’t have someone come in and help me with a project in woodshop unless they were also a trained member. Like, they could watch over my shoulder but not the other way around. Same for car things in auto.
@ladysandry what you heard was true. The exception is for classes and under supervision of a teacher.
I suspect they could hold boards for you, provide consulting, and help you clean up but they can’t touch the tools. Except during a DMS-sponsored/taught class - per rule 3.
Yeah that’s what I thought. This was the confusing part to me. If this refers to classes, why would a non member be able to take a safety sign off class?
anyone over 18 can use the tools as long as they’re under the supervision of a trained and authorized member.
I agree with you. Most safety sign off classes are restricted to members only.
I could make a case that a nonmember might take a class in anticipation of becoming a member, but that doesn’t seem fair to members who are already paying their dues and can’t get into the class.
Do you still have a couple slots available for Sunday Afternoon?
If yes, my son and I would like to come to the class. We are both members.
I’m in. I’ll be there at 14:00. Should we bring anything? Raw materials? Glasses? Etc? @shoottx
Unless I hear the class is full my son and will plan to come as well. I believe that will total 4 with the other two gentlemen. Larry Mercer
I’ll be there early but need to know if I should bring anything other than the fee.