Holiday Lawn Art Interest Check

Lets make a couple for DMS in the next couple of days. Are you game? I bet someone would like to paint them. @mdredmond


I’m good any day this week, my sleep schedule allowing. I prefer to sleep from about 11 PM until 8 AM, plus 60 minutes to make myself presentable (to the extent possible).

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Just cut out the two that Nick provided the eps files for. Youcan cut them today and we can round up a painter or two tonight.

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Out of what? I only have B/BB birch and that ain’t happening :slight_smile:

So – are we a go, or no?

We are a go if someone with material to cut wants to do it.

@IanLee may have some plywood that belongs to woodshop that can be sold to members, if that’s allowed. Someone on the board may need to weigh in on how that’s to be handled.

I’d go get wood for resale at cost but I can’t carry it in my car.

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What if we change up a bit? Lets make them for display inside DMS. If we go that route we can use 1/4" MDF. This brings up the mini-character contest idea. I’ll elaborate on the idea after the first of the year.

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Im good with that but someone needs to go get the MDF.

Can’t find a 4x8 sheet. Don’t need much.

Here are the ones I made in scouts way back when. Parents still use them.