Hi, can someone help me check the camera in ceramic area? My wife lost her bracelet there which she has been wearing for decades. Please let me know, appreciate your help!
The committee chair may have access to the committee area cameras.
Otherwise - paging @Team_Infrastructure
Keep in mind that we can’t go back too far. Two weeks I think, I could be wrong. What date did it get left?
According to the original post, it was noticed on 8/24 but then apparently became lost somewhere else inside DMS.
@daniunai163 … this is a real long shot, but there is a jewelry display on the table in front of the jewelry committee area. You might see if it somehow made its way to that display.
I believe it was either 8/24 afternoon or 8/25 morning, we were there on 8/25 afternoon, but didn’t see it.
we did check there but no luck… thanks though.
Last seen on August 24th at 9:12PM according to a message sent by a member.
I do not have access to cameras so we do need some assistance with this please.
Thanks, Monika
@Team_Infrastructure – Monika may or may not be set up for access, but she probably needs the link to the cameras either way.
We can work on getting access.
I did check the cameras, and unfortunately the one providing coverage is not high resolution enough to see something like a bracelet. Given the specific time, I’ll scrub through this afternoon to see if we notice anybody in that area
I would just look for anyone around the pottery wheels that are closet to jewelry because that is where she was sitting. She put it up on the metal rack that is between the wheels
thanks for your help!!! I believe the time frame is 8/24 afternoon or 8/25 morning