Hear me out. Storage room transformed into a computer area

Are we talking about a movable partition or a permanent wall? The permanent wall will need to be built to code and the landlords expectations. A partition can work but would have to pass muster with the fire marshall.

As a board member we want effective utilization of the space we are paying for. Your proposal is the best plan I have seen for that area however we need to convert the use the correct way.

I understand the board and why they want to see a more action-oriented plan. I’m not upset or even worried about it. It’s your(boards) job to think about the big-ol picture and I’m ok with taking a step back to make sure everything goes to plan. We all want to see this be a success. More time also allows me to pick out options for the space so it’s a win-win.

The deal: the pieces look and have the feel of walls- however they are on casters. If you’ve been to a museum or gallery you’ve seen them and you’ve probably understood them as walls. They aren’t easy to move but they are movable. Casters are hidden.

Question: if the “walls” are sectioned off - say in sections - meaning the wall is two to three parts locked together with coffin hooks would it still need to be inspected by the fire marshal? Each section of the wall would be smaller than the bookcase was in the same area for over a year.

heres a video of someone building the walls for a gallery: http://youtu.be/E3SrGzAsRBE

I have one picture on my laptop I can’t find again via my phone that is perfect but please take all the following pictures as rough ideas.

I hope this is the start of getting the point clearer. I will have a more formal approach soon. Let me just get done with school and Dms open house this week and things will lighten up for me.


Great ideas! please keep the ping pong table around and in good shape… i think the ping pong table is a great place to blow off steam, shoot the *stuff with other makers you don’t normally interact with, and is just such a great, simple relaxing activity… i think we could use a few chess sets and couple other board games too but I’m veering off-topic

Yes, the ping pong table is one of the concerns we’ve taken into account - one solution is that were looking at the ability to store the table inside the wall (say whaaaa). That’s just one of the solutions we are looking at.
That table has a near religious following and I won’t be messing with it. I understand the dedication.


the use of gallery walls is a brilliant idea.

I know you are a smarty chika. Ok, I love that idea.

If you’re taking that route, might as well bake the ability to store whiteboards and chairs in the “wall” as well.

That’s gonna be one fatty fat wall.

Now, now that is unkind. It will be a dimensionally challenged space separator…


Starting to think we need to develop TARDIS technology at DMS just to host Art and Classroom projects.

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So you are wanting to contain the dirt/dust/printer noise IN the room for a cleaner environment?

LOL…I’m surprised to see you put clean and artistic in the same sentence!

I’d hazard to guess the fiberarts, sewing and leatherworking in the CA room were much greater producers of dust/dirt for the printer than the printer would ever cause on it’s own.

I was more concerned with floorspace and AC in that confined area and was afraid it would get mighty stuffy in there with a door shut all the time, too.

Storing the ping pong table INSIDE the gallery wall is a stroke of genius!

The ping pong table has depth even when folded up. Accommodating chairs and whiteboards likely adds little if any girth.