So last Sunday & this Sunday myself, @procterc, @malcolmputer, @matthshooter & @Cwatkins completed our domino’s. This was obviously done with the help of @nicksilva. Last Sunday afternoon we decided to challenge ourselves in doing our domino 1 week later. In the future, this may be better to challenge each other to get it done under a deadline. Today we started at 1pm & I was the last one to finish at 7:15. This was with a hiccup with the coolant drain that we had to deal with. I’d like to say thanks to all these guys for pushing ourselves to learn including myself. It’s been 3 years since I took the my first Haas class.
It’s been almost that long since I took the multicam class without testing out. I should consider finishing that process.
Wish I’d known that was happening. I need to do that step also.
This was a teach the teacher event.
I personally felt as Chair that I am obliged/obligated to know the equipment.
Ah. I wasn’t approved for that. I did ask.
Great job and great idea about the challenge to get er done 1 week later. Happy for you guys.
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(Round of applause!)
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I’d say the instigator of the challenge was @malcolmputer.
I’d like to see something besides a domino, myself. Class reunion challenge perhaps?