Grid Coordinate System

How about putting QR codes at intersections. Tell the app where you want to go, and scan the nearest QR code. App shows a picture of the right direction to go. As in an actual photo. ( which would need occasional updates… )

It would need some routing logic to decide at each “station” where to go next. But after that, it seems like a plain load-an-image-from-a-web-server sort of problem.

GPS is +/- 5 meters. That is a 25 foot circle. Not fine enough detail.

That is too easy…lol.

If we cannot get waypoints to work. That would be a backup option.

GPS will not be reliable indoors either. A system will have to be built to determine location and orientation. Open source GPS nav software can be adapted.

The grid coordinate system only works if you know your current position on the grid, and can see the entire grid. I can see how this would be useful for managing where assets are within DMS, but not so much for visitors and new members.

I, again, propose an increasing numbering system, like you would have in a hotel. Rooms could also have a regular name

N101 Purple Classroom
N102 Lecture Hall

No matter where in the building you are, if you can see a labeled door, you can find your way to the room you need so long as you know it’s number and name.

Edit: You know where the grid labeling would be excellent!? on the personal storage bins. that would be fantastic.

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Signage at each classroom and intersection.

For classrooms, a room number ( if desired ), a room name, the grid location, and a map.

For intersections, the grid location, and a map.

Seems pretty simple to me.

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We must have a least 1 sign the reads “YOU ARE HERE”


They ALL must say that.

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The qr or bar code ideas visually clutters every intersection. While it helps the small percent of lost people. Once you are a member for a month(?), you will never use them again.

I fail how to see a 1x1" square is objectionable. I also fail to see why we need GPS or similar in the building.

Maps in many more places than they are now - say at each intersection and doorway - would do the job. Especially with the proposed grid references added.

If we simplified the QR code concept even further, each code could point to a copy of the map with “you are here” marked for that location. Same image could be printed and posted at each door.

I’m convinced standard plaque labeling to a classroom at all entrances and hanging signs in open areas would more than suffice. Maps at ends of halls make sense too, cooridnates its just overkill

I am chuckling The grid system will serve us well when we take over the whole building
It is expandable and that is good thing

We still need classroom names

The coordinates aren’t for the classrooms. They’re for all the other administrative purposes:

  • Reporting problems (there is a leak in the ceiling at E32)
  • Having work done (install an outlet on column U40)
  • Tracking capital assets (specific machine located at location J60)

Some of us will now learn the coordinate system and use it exclusively until it becomes accepted and compulsory.

Just out of spite. :slight_smile:

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Have we come up with a room naming convention?

I like famous people. “See you in the Telsa Room.”

I like elements. “You need to chill out. Go sit in the Lithium Lounge.”

Why beacons and apps? Because it is what we do. A map in the lobby will suffice for 90% of location issues. A locating app that will hand hold you to your destination room is very cool. It is Star Trek-ish with Tricorders. I know my way around DMS. I would play with the app too. Not so much with a map in the lobby…zzz.

Finally, with the expansion, lostness will be more common.

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I like names that I can picture, to me they ar4e easier to remember

I do think I am likely on the autism scale ) I would not be surprised to find out that we have
a higher than normal percentage of such folks

Such as?
I have no problem picturing a Tesla Room.
Or a Lithium Lounge.

And of course, synesthetics might well have no problem picturing the sound of 4 and we have no idea how many of those we have here.

But I take it you’re thinking of something different, and i think examples might help us understand what you’re getting at…

It sounds to me like that word is synesthetics …



Hm. Sory me spleling got of kilter.

PS fitsed.

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I used to play a war stagey game where part of it required that you build
a lot of villages, I knew folks that named then 01,02, 03 and on that worked for them
Drove me up a wall when I helped on their account

I tended toward using breeds of dog, or minerals for name One server it was fairy tales
fairy tales that could picture, like Baba Yaga were a lot easier for me to remember than ones like Chaming
I once tried to use the names of my kennel of Irish setters, a few like Rebel and Molly were very distinctive
and didnt give problems, but ones like Gypsy and Missy who looked almost identical did ( yep you had to ve careful to fige the right one prenatal vitamins)

It s a quirk but I am not the only person with it Folks are different, I drive friends up wall by telling them that the hardware store is in the shopping center on the southwest corner of Josey and Valley View