Grid Coordinate System

I’d love to see the entire space labeled with a grid coordinate system so every 10’x10’ square has an “address.” A1 would be in the North east corner of the space.

The Conference rooms could also have “creative” names but the grid address would be added to the end of the name. (Paris-G4)

You’d then know that a room with “G4” is roughly 70’ to the right of the back corner and 40’ in from the back wall. And if you see a grid address of M12 where you’re standing, you know which way to go to find G4.

It would also be handy in tickets or other communications. (there are lights out in B2)

The “address” of each square would be on walls, floors, and possibly even the ceiling throughout the space.

If we expand south, it still works. If we expand somewhere else, well… it gets another grid with a designation for the location. (2.B2)

(lines not to scale on this example)


This does also allow for some fun marketing…
Don’t be L8 to the Laser meeting!
Come see how JSM is blowing up the space (C4)
No need to be 10T-itive come to the CA (whatever they’re doing with that space)
No E8-ting in the Glass area.

Also - You sunk my battleship.

Remember to tip your waiters and try the veal!




This is a flat floor …


Optical illusions DO NOT make good reference lines.


Depends on what we are referring to … :stuck_out_tongue:

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Congratulations. You have proposed a way to turn a rational marking system into something EVEN WORSE than what we have.

Thank you … Thank you … bows … but I don’t think anyone is taking my suggestion serious … I know I’m not

I’m not a fan of a maps-co-ique grid system … I like the idea of perhaps naming walk ways or having a good sign system pointing directions, however …

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As noted, I like naming rooms, but having a numbering system too.

I can expect to hear a lot of “you sunk my battleship” around the space :smiley:


Better than hearing “Where is X committee/room/place again?”

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I like this idea a lot. It would have to line up with the columns a little better, but I want to discuss this with the expansion team.

It would also be useful if/when we ever start keeping track of our capital assets.

We should do this to the floor in the new Common Area…


This is an excellent idea for all the reasons you mentioned. Rooms can still have names, but as you suggest, the classroom “number” should be tied to the grid. It will also help for identifying exact locations in an emergency. If this can be implemented soon, it will help with the the planning and design of the build-out.

Are the columns consistent through out the entire building ie; xx ft on center going N-S and E-W?? If not, it could be challenging to take advantage of lining the numbers exactly to the columns. Weigh that against using the 10x10 format as an easy to understand location system.

This is a super idea and we are going to implement this. This does not affect how we name the rooms but will provide an easy reference system.

Here is the grid that we are going to use. It is very similar to what Clay @motopilot proposed but it aligns with the columns so it can be easily marked and referenced. The numbering system allows for interpolating locations in between the columns.

The columns are on 40 foot centers in the east-to-west direction and 41 feet on the north-to-south direction. 41’ is close enough to 40’ that it can use the same grid spacing. In reality the grid will be 10’ in one direction and 10’ 3" in the other direction but that’s close enough.

We would label every column, on all four sides, with 6" tall letters - at some tall height depending on the local ceiling height. (In theory, 6" tall letters are visible from 200 feet). We would not label any of the in-between numbers. So, for instance, the column in the new automotive location would be marked E40 on all four sides.

We would also label the column locations that would be on the outer walls if there were columns in the outer walls.

This will be helpful with equipment placement, utilities, and some day it will be helpful when we track capital equipment locations.

@richmeyer points out:

Since the Makerspace will always be in a state of flux with changes to electrical outlets, compressed air lines, outside vents, etc. the aspect of being able to mark these facility lines during our reconstruction will help out in the end. Think about it. Six months from now…where does circuit breaker #21 go to? Easy answer: Outlets at E80 and E120.

I am about 80% (90%?) complete generating the vector files for the vinyl cutter. By my math it will take about 60’ of 14" wide vinyl so we will need to get some - I don’t want to completely deplete CA’s supply. Then we will need volunteers to make labels and also to install them. (Although in all fairness, it’s probably cheaper to laser cut stencils and spray paint the letters …)




Just be glad I didn’t suggest using the “what three words” system instead.


“Do not paint over the anti static floor”


i like this a lot