After a bit of testing and the usual blood. sweet. coffee bings. Finally got a mqtt broker to function with a tickstack.
In this release of the CommunityGrid stack one will find a copy of mosca and the suite of applications. There’s also several automation points and the docker-compose has a bit of a domain language that can be used with other service files to better deploy to the grid.
Next round of upgrades will include nextcloud, owntracks, centralized octoprinter, and robot os.
Further improvements with tensorflow preformaning system analysis and auto provisioning is also planned but these are pending tighter integration with OpenFaaS, Minio, Volumerize, and Drone+Gitea.
Following these integrations ZeroTier would become part of the main entrypoint for services with a potential integration with killbill.
While mosca (mqtt) is used as a communication backbone within IoT. Having a rest api that one can push and pull Notifications is very helpful. An example of this can be seen in:
OpenFaas has been dropped for favor of Iron Functions. Iron Function is a single go binary that provides functions-as-a-service (ie aws lamdba).
There’s a lot of effort behind OpenFaas and some great tech too so it would be revisited later but for general release the following docker stack is used.
@brenly Basically think what it takes to setup openstack or all the cool tech that aws offfers but simpler to deploy on any machine(s). Then add in anomaly detection ML with Node-RED codeless automation and homeassistant dashboards then you got a small part of what this whole thread / project is about.
just now seeing this. asynchronous i take it? im trying to grind on asynchronous tech a lot lately. word on the street is some businesses that use dispatch ticket systems are for insane reasons still relying on heavy synchronous systems to send ticket data.