Free Trebuchet steel in warehouse

The dumpsters were full so the ~600 pounds of Trebuchet steel are on a pallet in the new warehouse, if anyone would like any of the metal (some 4x4, 2x2, 2x3, 2" rod) please help yourself. I’ll throw it in dumpster the next time I’m at DMS. No dibs, you must remove it. (Note that some surfaces are coated in grease)

Us preparing for transport:


Can someone save enough of the 4x4 to make another bowling table for CA?

@Brandon_Green, do you know the specifics on the carbon content on the 2” steel rod? We might be able to use it for making some specialty hammers for Blacksmithing. Something with 40ish points of carbon or higher (e.g. 1045, 4140) is suitable. Mild steel (e.g. A36) would not be a good candidate.

I can bring my sawzall if the rod is welded in place.

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Metal shop has use for the 2" round. at least a foot of it. If some kind and considerate person were to snag this and put it over in the steel inventory in metal shop it would be a service to mankind and all those that would use the powder coat oven.

what would you use the 2" round for in the powder coating oven?

I’m not sure of the exact alloy, but Brandon did mention that it was a higher carbon content (ie not 1018 or A36). It is welded onto the arm.

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Looks like I was remembering wrong, it is 1018 (probably just remembered thinking I should have bought something better), I found the receipt

Its welded in the middle to the beam and has a nice arc to it now

@Edenblue if someone can get the 4"x4" stuff out of there we can use it for the bowling table.

I don’t even know who I’d ask to grab the metal. I wasn’t here when we had the first one made so know very little about it.

I feel like this part is worth repeating.

We just spent almost 2 years paying for storage with this in it. Don’t make it take up more DMS floor space.


If it stays too long I’ll be tempted to practice using the handheld plasma cutter some more, it was a lot of fun but I really need to improve :grin:


The stuff for CA, we’ll be building the table as soon as they are finished moving, if they don’t I will personally make sure it gets disposed of.


CA, @BarkingChicken & @Edenblue you guys could probably use some to come up with a suitable TV mount with it as well.

Is there something wrong with the TV mount of our current TV?

No, I remember some discussion(difficulty) as how to mount it. Figured I’d throw out another option.

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Rollers for the boom of the lift. Need 4pieces 1" long with a 17/32" hole bored through the end.

Sounds like it’s 1018 - too soft for blacksmithing tools. I’ll try to bring my sawzall and/or grinder/cutoff wheels to see if I can whack them off for Metal Shop to use - probably Thursday night.

Based on the photo Brandon shared, I’m not sure there’s a single 12" piece without other bits in the way but I’ll see what I can get.

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in truth I need about 4" but 6 would make it easier to process. need to be able to bore it and cut it into 1" pieces. needs no carbon and this is ground cold rolled shaft unless I miss my guess.

2.25" cold-forged 1018 (originally 48" long) according to the bill of sale Brandon shared.

that is good for me, 2" or 2 1/4" both will work quite well.