Fossil/crystal digging- interested?

Hi y’all,
We have a bonafide geologist (Gloria) who is a member who makes ceramics and was wondering if we have DMS members who would like to go on an outing to dig fossils and crystals! She would take us (carpool/caravan) 1.5 hours north east of here where we walk a river and dig stones. It would be a pack your lunch, leave in the morning, come back late afternoon situation. Here are the dates we are deciding between:

April 14
April 28

If you are interested, let us know below and say your availability! We are posting in jewelry topics too, but this thread is the one we are taking votes for dates.



I would love to go! Right now, Im available both dates.

Can you share approximately this place is? I wasn’t aware there were crystals that close.



Id be interested for either date

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I’d be interested. Either date would work.

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I’m definitely interested. Either dates work for me.

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I’m interested and vote the 28th

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@Anette_Henningson and I would likely be interested. The 28th would be a better date but we can probably make the 14th too.

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I would be interested - right now either date works. Is this something older kids could do?

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Im keen! I can do the 14th but not the 28th however.

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@Julie-Harris yes! Kid friendly. I am bringing my 6 year old twins.


If I can swing this, I would love to join. My 12 year old son is a Boy Scout, my wife thinks that he might be able to get a merit badge for doing something like this.




Interested! Both dates are fine for me

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I want to go.


I am also free either day and that would be SO COOL!!!

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I am interested

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I’m interested! I’m available either date!

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I am interested and can make either date work! Haven’t been fossil/crystal hunting in a while. Still have some specimens in the garage, including a huge chunk of some type of crystal.

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+4 people for either date.
Where to sign up and what to take? Pick axe?

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