Farmers want some feedstock?

Thought this might be of interest, if any of our farm friends can deal with soggy feedstock…

For ideas: Sustainable Uses of Spent Grain -


My craft beer making neighbor gives me his spent grains for my compost bins - I do not want nor need 600 pounds tho…


The distillers grain is great animals feed

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Next up, @jast, is haunted by FDA Enforcement Officers investigating his illegal distillers grain business…

(I have a much more entertaining story in mind but I have not yet found a link.)


That’s… urking.
Well, maybe the folks in this thread

are NOT interested, then…
Write your congressperson. The Trump administration is less likely to dump poorly thought-through regulations and their associated costs like this on businesses than predecessor

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Found it. The relevant part starts at 25:39 (the rest is also good)…


Gees Louise!
~ 8 minutes (25:39 till 33:04) for that little tidbit of information!
I am reminded why I cannot understand the popularity of this format of information conveyance (I supposed some might say ‘entertainment’, but that’s using the phrase too loosely, in my experience). I’m too low-brow, I guess. :slight_smile:
I just wanted to reach through the “radio” and YANK the information out of them. And if I could silence the female-sounding voice while I was at it, all the better.
I have friends and colleagues who are just in love with pod casts, but I cannot sit still for them. Thank you for reminding me why. I shall now eternally wonder about the impressions of these unknowns-to-me regarding the John Howard Griffin “Black Like Me” experience…

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Doesn’t sound to onerous to me:

Processors already implementing human food safety requirements and who are just holding by-product for use as animal food, do not need to implement additional preventive controls or CGMP regulations when supplying a by-product (e.g., wet spent grains, fruit or vegetable peels, liquid whey) for animal food, except to prevent contamination. Examples of contamination include placing trash or cleaning chemicals into the container holding the by-products. This regulation applies to human food facilities that donate or sell a by-product for use as animal food.

The other article linked in the page Brian provided, in addition to the original link, suggests that many interpretations of the legislation draw breweries into the need to package and quality test their by-product to ensure Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) for animal food production is followed/met/complied with…
I don’t really read it that way, but like most legislation, it is sufficiently ambiguous as to allow lawyers on both sides to profit…

Boing Boing tends to over dramatize.

My post was really intended to rile up @jast so we can get quotes like “Gees Louise!” and “Geez! That’s… urking.”



Thank goodness I did not disappoint! :man_dancing: