Expiration of term for Directors

It is being corrected by member who care enough to Come to the space and to spend time worrking
on issues

Just because we have been sloppy in the past doesnt mean we can continent to be sloppy

We had a financial system so confusing missing in data that even the CPA firm had to close it out and start over Now we have books that can be audited

We are a million dollar corporation we have to act like it

Here is the facts
The by laws group say this and we submitted it as a one of the questions for the laweyr He asked to speak with su We met till nearly midnight one night,
Then we presented it to the Bod
Davit wanted to meet with us and the lawyer again

When the BoD meeting was held that discussed this the lawyer attended my phone

None of these were closed to member

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Please stop with the if you were only a member that came to space. Their $50 gets them the same membership as you. Also I spent more time working for DMS in my own office than I did actually at DMS. Stop devaluing our contributions just because we don’t practically live at DMS.

Again not actually true. PureTax did not create a new set of books and “start over.” Did they close out prior years like 2010-2017, yes they did. But we still have to go back to 2010 to pull accurate committee reports.


If you are not Active at the space then you do not really know the folks that are heer, that are doing thing
that are Making the space now. You are out of touch with the space

That is a problem I noted early on. leaders that seemed to ignore what was really happening

I have an excellent example from 2015

The Fibers group was seeking to expand the scope. Inkle weaving came up as a possibility
but there was a problem with the needed loom. A common inkle loom is around 3 ft long
and produces several yards of trim. This was not practical for us, Either Jeanie or I stumbled
on some ini inkle looms for sale, at around $75 each, The link was shared with Walter and within
a few days he had designed and built one and had even figured out how to weave and he
wove a band on it! Several of us was looking at in the CA room and Tapper was there. He
then took the concept and figured out how to make them on the CNC and how to make them available to students at a reasonable cost to students,
CA paid for the materials, he cut them, The parts were bagged in kits that student could buy for $10
When they took a class. To pay for the teaching looms, we needed to have Classes. I placed 2 classes on the calendar This was when approval was needed by 3 Bod member. I only got approval from ONE. Now I should have pushed it, but my hubby had a series of strokes about that time so I was distracted. I think I taught one class while by hubby was in the hospital. It was a ten or twelve students, The second class was not as large, but neither was approved
I appealed the lack of approval and I did not get even the courtesy of a reply

I do not know why they were not approved, either I was considered a bad teacher (of a subject
that I had taught many successful classes in in the SCA) or they had not idea what they where and whey they where needed

Maybe you have a better idea but those 2 to nor reflect well on the power structure at that time
No the past history was not one with a lack of disturbing issues

By the way committee funds are NOT our only finances
I will congratulate you and David on greatly improving the facts of honorariums and teachers and committee payments. We still had far too many credit cards out there
I believe that at one time there were well over 20 member that held DMS credit cards. That was sloppy

Back in those days I felt that most of the members were treated more as customer than as valued members. We could do the grunt work and shut up and be used by our
betters That is the way I felt other opinions are out there

I’m assuming that is just a general sentiment and not directed at me personally. Most members have no clue about the finances and how and who are doing them. Board members put tons of time in, you can ask any past and current members. I doubt they would consider themselves out of touch since they have little time left for making things. Agreed the old approval method to get classes on the calendar was tedious and fraught with errors. I actually remember your class and the loom Walter made. I agreed with it and thought it went on the calendar.

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Lots of folks that are active on Talk are out of touch with what is happening at the space

My opinion, only

It was general

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That was fixed in 2016 with the new calendar system that changed the honorarium approval model from seek active approval by the Board to the present 3 days for honorarium auditors to disapprove model we’ve been using ever since.

No one liked the old model. Not the Board with the emails going back and forth with wildly-varying class descriptions with inconsistent approval criteria, not instructors, probably not classroom committee, and surely not Finance committee.


You know, I’ve had enough of “the value of a member is based on how much time they spend at the space”. If that is truly how DMS feels about their membership I will be happy to find something better to do with my monthly donation.


It’s actually a pretty small proportion of people that really think this is the case. My definition is much more objective: if your membership and use of the 'Space doesn’t make it harder for others to make or learn or teach or do the supporting logistics, infrastructure, etc. activities that make the first three possible, then you are a perfectly good member in my estimation.


You know, I’ve had enough of “the my monthly dues entitle me to gripe and whine, and not do anything to help the space”. DMS is built on volunteers, and volunteerism, not on just the monthly dues. While we value every member, many of us that volunteer on a regular basis don’t appreciate people that rarely or never set foot in the building telling us how “Things Should Be Done, and By God Do It Now!”





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Can someone volunteer to pin Kris’ post globally that has the new election dates near the post that has the incorrect info in it now? I tried to volunteer to do it earlier but I realized I am not at the space nor do I seem to be able to volunteer my way into doing it remotely.

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“They shall not hold a term of office for more than one year” . . . and if they do, then they’ve violated a bylaw for which there is no real remedy other than finger-pointing and whining. This sentence doesn’t say that their term expires; just that they shall not do it.


Welp, looks like it was pinned earlier or something. Did not see it an hour ago but suddenly it shows it was pinned yesterday. Who knows? I’ll volunteer myself out now.

but, but, but… the bylaws are sacred writings. there can be zero deviation even if it makes perfectly good sense or does not explicitly lay out how the day to day operations will happen. they must be wielded as a bludgeon if someone disagrees with you or to support your own agenda.

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A sauce for the goose is a sauce for the gander.

Russell Ward


The harassment policy does not allow goosing ganders…


How about gandering gooses?

Russell Ward

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We geese do not, in the slightest, appreciate being gandered, unless by mutual consent. Just so ya’ know…

