Expansion Update - 09/25/2019

Expansion Update – 09/25/2019
The Expansion Group had its regularly scheduled weekly meeting last night. Here are the updates.

Completed Contracts:

  1. The Fire/Smoke Alarm system has been completely upgraded. Both the 102 and 104 sides of the building are now under one system.
  2. The Emergency Exit by the Electronics Lab now has an electronic latch for Fire Department use only. This allows immediate access to the Fire Sprinkler System should that need arise. Your access badge will not work on this door.
  3. Almost complete. New stalls have been installed in the Men’s Restroom near the water fountain to replace the old plywood stalls. Per City Code, plywood walls cannot be used in an industrial building. Still waiting on some hardware to complete the job. This was purchased by the Expansion Group and a DMS volunteer installed it. Great job!

Pending Contracts:

  1. Bids have gone out for Cement work to repair the front entrance by the door. The sidewalk has settled and prevents wheelchair access for ADA compliance. Received one bid, waiting on others.
  2. Bids have gone out for Electrical work to add electrical outlets in the Flex Area. Many of these outlets will be hanging from the ceiling; some will be mounted on the walls. To reduce cost we are using the existing circuit breaker boxes in the area.
  3. Bids have gone out for Plumbing work to replace the hot water heater and to add water service in the Science and Warehouse areas.

Work in Progress:

  1. Definition of the Electrical work in the Warehouse is in process. You will notice a lot of blue tape on the walls indicating where all the new electrical outlets will be going. This is a work in progress.
  2. Definition of the Mechanical work is in process. This includes new walls for Digital Media, Blacksmith, Water Heater, and the Electrical Rooms. We will be moving several doors around, plus a new aisle through the old Creative Arts room will be built. This is a work in progress.
  3. Definition of the Ventilation Systems for Fired Arts, Jewelry, Glassmaking, and Blacksmith are in process.

Volunteer Opportunities:

  1. All items located in the Warehouse must be placed on wood pallets. Also, every pallet must be identified with a white tag indicating the Committee that owns it AND a Person’s Name. This is to help up move equipment as the various contractors start their work. No personal equipment is allowed. Unmarked items will be removed after October 1st. A kiosk with the white labels is standing in the Warehouse area for you to use.
  2. All of the empty electrical boxes that are hanging from the ceiling in the Flex Area must have a steel wire connected to the roof trusses. We have the tool that does not require tall ladders or the use of the man-lift. This must be done within the next 2 weeks prior to the electrician being on site.
  3. The sink and cabinet in the Wet Classroom must be demolished and/or removed before plumbing work can be done. This will make space for the new hot water heater. This must be done within the next 2 weeks prior to the plumber being on site.
  4. We have received the little metal cages that fit around the Fire Sprinkler heads, they need to be installed in the 102 side of the building. These metal cages are already installed in the 104 side. This will prevent accidentally hitting a sprinkler head with ladders, pieces of wood, etc.
  5. Some electrical boxes in the Glassmaking and Science areas will be removed from the walls. Mounting holes will have to be filled in and re-painted as needed.
  6. All of the sprinkler heads need to be cleaned through the building. Use a low pressure can of air, like you use to clean a computer keyboard. Do not use high pressured air unless you want a bath and a huge cleanup job. This was flagged during the last visit by the Fire Marshall.
  7. The new Machine Shop will have cable trays installed 10 feet overhead for their electrical needs. There will be an installation party in the near future to install everything. This is required prior to the electrical contractor working in this area. Check with the Machine Shop for the schedule.
  8. Emergency exit signs are located throughout the facility. Per Code, each sign must have a single arrow directing people to the closest exit. Some signs have 2 arrows, others none. Need someone to correct these signs. This was flagged during the last visit by the Fire Marshall.

Final Notes:
Expansion is a work in progress. It may seem like nothing is getting done, but there is a lot going on behind the scenes. Defining the requirements from 2,000+ members, getting those ideas down on Engineering drawings, getting approvals from the City of Carrollton, getting the required building permits, getting quotes from multiple contractors, accepting the winning bids, . . . and all this has to happen before the first “light bulb” gets changed. It all takes time. Your patience would be greatly appreciated.


Curious why the Landlord isn’t fixing the exterior cement work. Part of our rental agreement has charges for common/exterior areas.

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does that include upgrade requirements triggered by our changes? IIRC the requirement kicked in since we did the renovation rather than the landlord.

Some of our required changes are due to bad electrical and plumbing installations by previous persons. Some are due because the City upgraded their requirements to the 2018 International Building Codes that took effect back in January 2019.

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Still getting quotes for the work anyway. Will let the BoD settle things out with the Landlord.

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Was referring to the outside concrete. If that’s the landlord anyway then disregard

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Does canned air have to be used on sprinkler heads? Or could stiffer dusters be employed?

The Fire Marshall suggested to use the canned air only. These sprinkler heads are old and sensitive. Please do not use a brush of feather duster.

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@richmeyer and @Team_Expansion

First of all, I would like to thank you, the expansion committee, and all the volunteers who have contributed to the success of the expansion.

Secondly, a few questions; how is the expansion progressing financially? How much have we spent so far? How much do you estimate it will cost to complete the expansion?

Can you provide rough estimates for future:
Cement work
Electrical work
Mechanical work
Other work/expenses

Could your committee provide these numbers so they can be tied into the Treasurer’s report at the next BOD meeting?

To be clear, I’m not asking for confidential numbers, just budget forecasts to ensure we have financial stability within DMS.

@Team_Finance @Finance @brsims @Team_Expansion

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I cannot answer your question, the Expansion Group does not handle the finances.

My job as General Contractor is to prepare all the required documentation for the City and to release the bidding process to various contractors. The winning bidder is determined by the Board of Directors, not the Expansion Group. The results of the winning bidder will become public knowledge when the Building Permit is issued by the City, the issued Building Permit contains the cost of that specific project. As General Contractor I will monitor the completion of the contracts and determine when the contract has been completed and the bill can be paid.


I have two questions since they both involved classrooms that are under Education. First is well I think they replaced in wet classroom or will it no longer be a wet classroom? The other one is I all through the old CA area how does this impact the size of the room and such.

The Wet Classroom still exists. This past week we removed the sink and cabinets to make room for a new hot water heater. The sink will be replaced by the one that currently is in the Flex Area by Printmaking. We have outstanding bids for the plumbing work.

The old Creative Arts Room will be reduced in size to make room for an aisle that is required by City Code. The final room size will be 18’ 3" by 22 '6", that comes out to 415 square feet. About the same size as the new Digital Media room.

If it is about the same size as DM, would it be possible to switch rooms? That high ceiling in the pillar room would photo backdrops and and light booms to be used. Not sure how much is invested in the new DM (not speaking for them - but I know old CA was discussed for DM at one time for the high ceiling.

The hallway would add a airgap and another wall between and Woodshop that would greatly reduce the noise.

Then where would the 120 sq ft Audio Room go that is next to the Digital Media Room? If both Committees agree to the swap, then they can petition the Board of Directors for the change.

I thought when you said they were equal size that included the build out of the audio room.

thanks for the quick reply the largest sink will be a great addition to the wet classroom. And now we can stop worrying about how to split the old c a room into two rooms. Hurry it sounds like the aisle will go up next to the wood shop.?

Machine Shop is contemplating installing some partial height partitions for traffic flow. Would the code prevent us from using plywood? I don’t see this as conceptually any different than wooden furniture.

If we can’t make partitions with plywood, is sheetrock up to code? There’s always the fallback of office partitions. Which should be easily aquirable from business liquidators.

We’d be better off with expanded metal or thin sheet metal. The plywood wood not be a “wall” at least as I think of one, but more a painted partition. Normal office partitions would absorb oil and coolant that is thrown off the machines.

Not sure how what Machine Shop wants to do from a fire hazard perspective is different than plywood backing on shelving units so things don’t get pushed off. But if we can;t do it, we can’t do it.

@richmeyer can we string electrified charging wire like is used for livestock?


I will work with the Machine Shop directly to see that everything complies with City Code. Perhaps the use of Plexiglass panels would do?

I am quite sure the Electric Fence is a no.