Elab PC - Stop Unplugging the Cables!

Can users of the elab refrain from unplugging the monitor/keyboard/mouse from the computer?

It is never put back in working order. In room one there is a whole cabinet devoted to those items for you to use.

FYI, the monitor’s HDMI cable plugs into the port on the card and not the port on the motherboard.


Chuck G and I wondered about that when we were looking for info. Damn Children…

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Why are they doing this? We need more power outlets in back of there, but that would not explain disconnecting the whole computer. Any theories?

They then usually hook up the monitor s stuff to their laptops for programming arduinos, raspy etc.

Do the laptops not have screens? I’ve only actually seen that as a problem once at the makerspace.

I guess they need more screen real estate, mouse instead of touchpad?

Every time I go into the lab the PC is not working because of this.

Drives me nuts!

Well you know you ought to tell the committee chairs for electronics that they clearly aren’t doing their job in keeping the equipment running! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Haaaa, that is funny Walter. They are slackers!

I’m sure woodshop would be pissed if someone kept unplugging the CNC router, tablesaws or drill press. I think I’ll go into the server closet and pull a cable out of the router to plug in my Raspberry PI.

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Seriously, just about every time I tried to use the table saw, router, and surface sander in the last few weeks, I have had to plug it in… Maybe it is the same people? A covert group with the agenda that no plug should be left in any socket?

Ranks right up there with “No trash can shall be left empty”.


The Tablesaw, Router, and Sander should be unplugged when switching blades/bits/paper. Some shops leave them unplugged as practice so the next user checks for the right blade/bit/paper.

This however is a very different subject from Ken’s.

Reminds me of my first car, an 86 VW Cabriolet convertible. I used to leave the top down but lock the doors. With the number of times I used my key to unlock it in this state, figured I’d deter at least the dumb criminals :slight_smile:

As to the topic, this is why cable guards and locks exist, although that would seem very contrary to DMS goals. Perhaps a “be excellent to each other” tag on the cables as a friendly reminder :slight_smile:

The tag, “Do not touch” on the pcb mill didn’t stop somebody from stealing all of it’s electronics. Sadly, such reminders don’t stop the people who are causing these kinds of problems.

You also have to wonder how many signs we would need to remind people of what should be common sense…

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It’s that old adage: “you can’t fix stupid”

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Actually you can, but you need to ignore the lawyers and nannys and let nature take its course.


Actually, “you” can’t… Stupid usually fixes itself. :smiling_imp:

Run if you hear “Hey y’all, watch this” or “Hold my beer and watch”

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Or “bet you can’t do that twice.”

If only it were more immediate.
Sadly the current proliferation of stupid seems to be geometrically increasing, causing undo pain to us all, and it especially hurts those of us who know we’re being hurt (i.e. not the stupid). Though you are right, eventually it will correct. This correction is likely to be catastrophic, taking down innocent bystanders. So many innocent bystanders…

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I’d suggest a lesson in basic electrocution to those unplugging the marked cabling - perhaps a metallic cable shield attached to a step up transformer?

You could cover sooooo many classes with this! (no honorariums tho)


Just rewire the outlets so hot is on the chassis. They’ll grab it once… just once.