Elab PC - Stop Unplugging the Cables!

Just a thought, connect a KVM switch with cables? Probably won’t work, but it might be worth a try.

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Heard recently that some old TVs had “hot” tied to the chassis…

When I worked at a computer store in Paris, TX, back in the mid-90s I had to troubleshoot a problem in a local school’s computer lab. I grabbed the BNC T connector and got the crap shocked out of myself. One of the outlets in the room had the hot and neutral reversed. The result? The shared Ethernet cable had AC on the shield.

Their “electrician” was a school janitor who was mad that I suggested he wired something incorrectly. I stood my ground and used a small 3 light outlet tester and showed him which one, which he promptly fixed. :slight_smile:

If it wasn’t for it causing problems with the network communications I would’ve left the AC on there. It kept the students from jacking around with the cables and connectors.

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I can attest to this. Discovered that in my early years 'exploring…"

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