Do we really need graffiti'd tables in CA?

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: CA April Meeting - April 11, 2019 7p

It seems to me that banning someone for something that can easily be cleaned and causes no permanent damage is a bit harsh compared to what others get to get away with in CA and other committees, and shouldn’t he/she get a warning if its a first offense?


Its not a permanent ban. It’s a one month ban.

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What are people getting away with in CA? Help us out by identifying things so we can find people. Do you know how hard it is to find things on the camera? total pain in the ass.

I would love love love to ban more people for messing up CA on purpose. It’s getting out of hand. The person in question also stood on the table. While I respect your input - I think it’s time to hold some ground on respect of our space.


Right on, sister!
Defacing something is different than comparing it to leaving a mess. Standing on the table just for the hell of it is a safety issue and serious.


I want to bring on the banhammer. No one would ever give me camera access though.

Take mine - please and thank you! @StanSimmons

I completely support this, intentionally damaging DMS even if it’s repairable or intentionally breaking rules are both totally unacceptable, a month suspension isn’t that bad, I certainly wouldn’t do less then a three week suspension.

Also I prefer the word suspension in these cases because it makes it clear it is a temporary and a punishment.

I’d be super happy if we used two to four week suspensions more often when people intentionally break rules.


And kudos @uglyknees for not letting this becoming a shaming/witchhunt. I appreciate just being made aware and then it being handled in a logical consequences way


Probably hard to enforce. How would you let people know if someone is suspended/banned temporarily from an area? Even in this case, I and most others don’t actually know who this is, so if they were to break said suspension how would anyone know in order to report it. It’s definitely an honor system punishment so I can see some leaders not bothering.

Possibly let the SIG leadership in on the identity since they are most likely going to be in a space teaching regularly. Is it foolproof? No, but its some semblance of enforcement.

It may be on the honor system but if they are caught that’s willful and probably more worthy of a complete ban.


I guess my issue and reason i posted was everyone is talking abut the damage to CA, what damage was done?? It was a marker, it wipes away.

It’s vandalism and shows a lack of respect for others possessions.


So does leaving tools strewn all over the class room, tool removed form the CA room and not returned, and so is leaving your mess for others to clean up.

Back a year or so ago when my costume was vandalized in CA the person responsible was not banned, not did he receive any punishment that I know of.

It’s a brand new year!

Well based on those details he should have, we can’t fix the past though, we can only make a better future. Ideally this will be a start of consistent in forcement of the rules.

Like I said the worst offense are intentional ones, the only way to improve on the current lack of respect some of the membership shows the space is to in force the rules and punish rule breakers, hopefully logistics is moving toward this model as well.


He was totally banned for it. For nearly a year.

I don’t recall anything more that a supposed apology to me which I never got

This has nothing to do with the current situation.