CA April Meeting - April 11, 2019 7p - CA room

Hey Jorge, you ARE great at that Interim thing. Just sayin… :innocent:

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That cool with you @BarkingChicken I suck at this and someone who doesn’t suck at keeping that room together needs to do it. Shay has been kindly waiting for her day…I just don’t have it

ಠ_ಠ :blankspace::blankspace::blankspace::blankspace::blankspace:



I was a pretty bad assistant to the Interim Leather SIG leader. I’m sure @jnorine would agree.

So, I screwed up and put it on a different thread (asked moderators to whisk over here when someone can)…

There’s a fiberfrolic that night in ca, but we’re cool if the meeting is in there too insteada the galley


So, we (fiber sig) have been talking…we have a fiberfrolic scheduled in CA that night, but are willing to cancel/reschedule to later date if you’d like the room for the CA meeting.

Lemme know and we’ll coordinate with you to make it happen

Would you be ok with buddying up in the room for the meeting?

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Sure, can do that too. Ha. Careful getting too close to the Fiber Vortex (you will be assimilated).

Ok, so yeah, the more the merrier. @classielassie is hosting since I can’t be there, so y’all can work out who/where. We frolic at bowling table, but no reason meeting won’t work in other parts of room.

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I just realized that I inadvertently posted the CA room meeting stuff on this thread and MEANT to post it on the actual meeting thread

Could someone move this meeting/room section to correct thread, pretty please?

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Seconded, all in favor!!!


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I will formally say that I have no problem stepping up as interim chair if @uglyknees feels she needs to step down. However, I will not vote her out of anything and I do not believe that she has been doing a bad job this year.

Is there anyone who would be willing to be my interim vice chair?


I will add my name to the bowl.


I’ll vote myself out illegally twice since you won’t vote.
I know in my heart I’m not doing the room the justice that you can do it. I will step up and do whatever needs to be done and I’ll still be active but I do know I’m not making the time for CA that I once did and it deserves.


I will also add @Edenblue’s name to the bowl. twice.


I would love to work with @Edenblue. She seems like a kickass lady!


I’m excited to help!

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I will do whatever I can to help everyone and anyone out. I like the idea of going into the expansion with new energy and a new push.

Nicole, your ability to encourage and delegate is what makes you an amazing leader. You have done a fabulous job.

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