Dallas Makerspace Show and Tell - July 2016

Yep we’ve had a few people post religious works on here, me being one of them. Its the workmanship people appreciate, the nature of it would be a thread of its own.

Very nice indeed.


Looks great, very fine details!

Make one of the US Constitution and claim separation of church and state. :wink:


Infecting young minds with science!


My results from the Turned box class last night:

Here’s a “Troll Bridge” I made for a terrain competition in May:

Here’s the Dwarven Hold I made in early June:


Seven rings for the dwarven lords, in their halls of stone…


Several questionable types messing with a Marx Generator in the eLab.



14 hours and many cussing later, it is just needing tuning pegs and string (not a clue where to get) its a Ukulele, found on thingiverse. ALL PRINTED HERE AT THE SPACE. (the gray guitar was built at polyprinter)

many curse words were said while installation - but in the end i am quite pleased-

i made the star thingie in the middle via tinkercad.



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Post a video once it’s ready! I’d love to hear that thing!

I’ve been wanting to do a Constantine lighter for some time now but could never quite get the artwork right. I finally settled on this one. This was engraved on my CNC using the diamond drag bit and was not done at DMS since they don’t allow metal yet on the CNC router. So it’s just presented here as something that we may all be able to do someday. This same pattern can be laser engraved using Cermark on the metal. I’m doing it on a wood lighter cover next.


Agreed, very nice piece!

Tim Nielsen

Building a clock, here are some early pics:

Tim Nielsen


this is a followup to an earlier post. This is laser engraved on one of my wooden lighter cases (front and back and two sides). The case could be milled on the CNC router but you need a holding jig to hold it upright. then it can go over to the laser for engraving,.


Got this done in June for the Let’s Play Gaming Expo, but finally polished off the Instructable just now! Here’s the instructable: http://www.instructables.com/id/Gigantic-Faithful-and-Functional-NES-Controller-Ta/

And here’s the thing:

With faithfully contoured buttons, and to 100x scale!

Thanks to @childofthehorn, Patrick Thompson, @rablack97, and @HankCowdog for y’all’s assistance. Would have taken me way longer without you and with a much less impressive result.


Pi powered air monitor (temp, humidity, dust concentration), more details here

Live data over past 24 hours:


Oh and Hey, guess what just made the Front Page of Instructables!!!


Finished up my folks virtual slot machines, so they would stop going to the casino.

My mom is Lebron Fan, and my dad collects/rebuilds chevy classic cars.


I’ve been learning a lot about automotive maintenance and repair lately. I fixed up my old truck, sold it, and bought another used truck. So far I’ve done the transfer case fluid, differential fluid, transmission fluid and filter, engine oil and filter, shocks, engine belts, air conditioning blower motor, air filter, and miscellaneous fixes here and there. Bleeding the brakes is next on the list of things to do. I’ve never seen so much dirt on the underside of a car, you can tell what was worked on because it doesn’t have half an inch of dirt caked on it.

I got a used tool box on Craigslist. Turns out it was too tall to fit into the parking garage at work, I got stuck a few floors up and had to backup to the entrance. That metal scrape is something you never want to hear. A reciprocating saw can cut through much thicker metal than I thought (about half an inch steel). Note the shorter ears on the headache rack in the second photo on the roof of the parking garage. Victory!

Sorry if I blocked the bay this week while you were wanting to work on your car.


I have been in an Electronics mode for the last week or so and finally got around to some projects I have had on my shelf for years in some cases. I am preparing to start on the electronics aspect of my long term analog music synthesizer project.

First I finished a 20 M (14 MHz) HAM radio CW 0.5W transceiver kit that has been on my shelf for several years.

I also finished the first in a series of kits designed to be housed in tuna fish cans. This is a multiband HAM radio receiver (20M, 30M, 40M, and 80M)

Both of the above kits are from QRPME I then modified my 100W RF dummy load to have a low level RF sampler port to allow me to use a scope or spectrum analyzer to monitor the output of radio transmitters. This is in preparation for a class we are planning to allow people to build a small morse code transmitter.

Finally, I am putting together some resistive loads and decided to pick up some 0.01% resistors to create an accurate resistance standard for some other projects I am thinking about.


Made a pair of salt and pepper grinders. One on the left is pecan, right one is mesquite and mahogany. Pretty happy they’re functional.