Dallas Makerspace Show & Tell - May 2018

Is there some place specific I could get such a rod, or should I just exercise my google-fu?

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I use U.S. plastic for such things. Several times I have tried to find a different online vendor because of two things the owner has done. But, they just do a really great job so I keep ending up with them. Shipping is too expensive / no U.S. mail option.

But, I believe I have a lot of 1/8" rod. More than I will use in my lifetime. I suggest you get a fistful to try before buying anything. If you are interested just let me know.


Consider me interested. Is that 1/8" diameter?

I got about $500 worth of acrylic rods today in the mail.
1/16th to 3/8th from Canal Plastics & should be bringing it by storage later.
More expensive but I’ve found no better place yet for colors.

Virgin Silicon Wafers arrived in the mail today, in future we may be making our own diodes as a Science class!


Don’t feel bad. They didn’t do a great job of press ahead of time. None of the printmaking programs I know of were notified

First attempt at the laser. I made a sign for my sister in law’s trucking company on 1/4" baltic birch plywood and glued it to a 1/2" piece of the same size. I made some (a lot of) mistakes and test pieces, but I learned a ton. I’m going to try engraving photos to 1/4" baltic birch plywood next. (I also made the knife in the top right. I’ll post better pics later.)


There’s another one tentatively slated for October, from what I’ve heard. Might want to confirm with Paul and Astrud.

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That’s an Interesting hinge!

Turned out great! Can’t wait to see it in person.

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Someone been watching Alec Steele videos?

Haha no but I guess I should check then out because people keep asking that

He tries copper and nickel, with good result!


Very nice, the at the space is going to be patterning the induction for heats a bit to unevenly plus not an option brass (contains zinc) but I’ll figure out a way


I made this tomahawk today at the shop. I put it next to my hatchet to show my improvement. I made the head on the induction forge from a railroad spike and the handle on the lathe from a piece of black walnut from the scrap pile. The only thing it cost me was the labor and a little blood (it’s really sharp).


I have a spike with a small mousehawk like this in mind. Hopefully I can make mine half as good as yours

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I haven’t been around the space much this last month because I’m deep in the renfair right now (have a wire jewelry shop there), but I’ve been making lots of jewelry.

Here’s a smattering of some things I’ve made lately. Once the renfair is over in a couple of weeks and I can get back to Regularly Scheduled Life, I’ll get back to teaching wire jewelry and fiberarts.


Treeman and random art. If you where to buy this art what could be done to meet your tastes? If you prefer other art what is the subject and style?


Very cool. Love the back lighting.

Gettin’ in good with the mother-in-law. This is a raster engraving I made in the zing with baltic birch from a phone pic of a very old photograph of her late mother, my wife’s grandmother. 20180510_113412_1525970068006