Dallas Makerspace Show & Tell - December 2019

Post a picture and description of anything you are working on this month at the 'Space here!

It can be anything from a small craft project to a large CNC router project to building a table to 3D printing to a science experiment and so much more. There are lots of people doing cool things at DMS all the time, but most of us don’t get to see it. Post it here and share the interesting things you are doing at Dallas Makerspace this month!

Posting here helps not only promote Dallas Makerspace, but could inspire others to make something. It will also help PR post a monthly look at what can be done here on a blog post or other social media ( with attribution to each maker of course ).

:bulb: NOTE: Please try to include the following on each post, to help make for richer social media content!

  • a decent QUALITY photo
  • a notation about WHAT you’ve made
  • WHO you are ( for attribution on the blog )
  • HOW you’ve made it
  • and WHY

Got the disco ball & new pole wired up last night / this morning that @landras & I have been working on.



Laser cut / etched on Big Thunder from 4 30" x 24" 1/8" Baltic Birch plywood sheets. Design has 306 pieces and was bought from MakeCNC.com. Fun project to do with my daughter while she was home from college for Thanksgiving. The top part containing the drawers and the tree actually rotates on the base. It’s a little over 2’ tall.


The Gravity Hammer from Halo


Kind of went crazy on the wood lathes this week, since Christmas is coming:

Magnetic Vertex Fountain Pen with Cocobolo.

Shaving and writing set - Cigar pen is bog oak and the brush/safety razor are African Blackwood.

This Cigar Pen with cedar came out exceptionally pretty - I was really lucky with the cut of wood.

I did 20 or so Executive pens - but these three were my favorite; olivewood with the gold finish on the kit.


Nice work. I have managed to screw up every cigar pen I’ve touched this week. There’s always tomorrow…right?

The number of cigar pens I turned before I figured out how to get them right is a closely guarded and embarrassing secret. :slight_smile:

I don’t know why - I’ve turned harder kits; for some reason cigar pens just don’t like me.

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A couple more record weights and 45 adapters for a friend’s birthday.


So its not fancy, Shiny or does wiz bang things. I made a chock for my lift gate strut for my back glass on my Excursion. Being a cheap bastard & a maker, I just made it. Nothing fancy, very quickly done out of 1” aluminum cut on the band saw. I then faced & chamfered both ends on the lathe. I then put it in the vise in the Bridgeport & used a 3/8 Ball nosed end mill to machine it out. A quick debur & I was wrapped up. I will add I was in a pretty big hurry to get it done, so no knurling or special features.


Forged hot camping hotdog/marshmallow fork. This is one of two projects for this Sunday’s Intro to Blacksmithing class (the other being a triangle dinner bell).

Click the pic to see the whole thing.


Helm earrings and a modified Box/Byzantine keychain (modification is my fault, not what was taught)

Thank you to @Lindajdallas for her class tonight!


Love the fountain pen! You don’t see many of those these days.


Thank you, @Lindajdallas for another awesome chainmaille class tonight! :grinning: I’ve fallen rather behind on posting my various chainmaille projects on TALK, but we have made some really cool & spiffy things in these classes with Linda & Rose (@Just_Me). Tonight, we made a King Byzantine keychain & some cute helm earrings: image image


In Rose’s class, we finished up our complicated but amazing-looking reversible Double Half Persian chainmaille bracelets in Cool fall colors - I went kind of phoenix-y (the mythical bird, not the state) with mine & love how it turned out!

image image


Finished a combo knife box for Christmas. Turned out pretty well. Shapeoko/Laser with finishing in woodshop.


I’ve been cutting some presentation boxes for Christmas on the laser and decided to make a fit gauge to see how much I’d need to oversize tabs to get good engagement.

The general concept - single, constant-size slot with tabs at +0.00" through +0.03".

(Since metric weenies will probably come out of the woodwork - yes, yes, the machines work in metric and production files are obligingly scaled up by 25.4 from the design file in inches thus I may well be making more work for myself designing in inches. You’re absolutely right and I don’t care - as the results demonstrate, there’s a discernible difference at 0.01" increments)

As expected, the no-offset tab has an appreciable gap

+0.01" has less of a gap, but still a gap

+0.02" is about a line fit

+0.03" is a slight interference fit

For my purposes I chose +0.02" - the production piece snugs together nicely and will surely lock up solid when glued.


Baby Yoda. They’re so cute when they’re little.
(you know you did the Yoda voice when you read it).

create everyday.


With some scrap vinyl and a little etching cream I made these two customized Pyrex casserole dishes to give as Christmas gifts. I got the dishes on sale for $5 each, so between that the vinyl and the cream the whole project cost about $7 per dish.


Those are clever. What is etching creme?

It’s called armor etch. We have some in the teachers supply closet in ca.