Dallas Makerspace Show & Tell - April 2019

How many reps can that slab do at 40 lbs?


omg this is awesome

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Made this with leftovers/cutoffs from DMS people
Thanks guys


My mom has been struggling with cancer for a while now. She has to get around with a cane due to nerve damage from radiation. I decided to make her one out of some spare maple I had.


I finished a lap quilt this month, named “Crimson Kaleidoscope” (thanks @ladysandry for the name suggestion). It’s called a One Block Wonder - the entire front is made from a single type of fabric - you can see the intact fabric on the back.

This will be a gift for my mom. She prefers smaller-sized lap quilts for use in her recliner, so I reduced the size by scalloping the edges. I cut a paper scallop template on Big Thunder so I didn’t have to tape together 20 sheets of paper! I stuffed some parts of the stitching so they are a little puffier.



Made a toy saw for my girlfriend’s son. He loves tools and construction, and his birthday is this weekend. Super easy, but fun project!


laser cut?


…Ten characters


This is my current Work In Progress (wip)!

The pattern is Nightshift by Angela M. It’s a large shawl with worsted weight yarn and I opted for yarn from Brooklyn Tweeds “Shelter” line. It’s fabulous.

It’s knit up flat using mosaic knitting which sounds super fancy but it just means slipping stitches and knitting them every other row.

As for the why? Well, I want a shawl. I also want to finish this since it’s the 8th? Cast on? I tried using fingering weight and that didn’t work out well because gauge matters despite how smart I think I am. :joy:


My first granny square decided it wanted to be a hat. :smile:

Made a bracelet with “bee sting” weave in chain maille class.

Used the Metaza to engrave my animal shelter’s logo on a dog tag. I think the back is going to say “a rescue dog rescued me” and I’ll put them in our big fundraiser event in a few months.

Finally got my snail shell to electroplate

My coasters are turning into a Labours of Hercules theme. So far I’ve got the flesh eating horses of Diomedes and the Apples of the Hesperides.


Made these during @Lordrook’s two recent Resin turning classes.

The blue and pinkish item is a perfume oil dispenser and tablet/cell phone stylus using a blank provided by the class instructor.

The shorter, rounder item is a ‘hidden container keychain’ that I made using a custom Resin blank that I made using a pine cone I picked up on the shores of Lake Eibsee in Germany.


I have run into issues with visible casting lines using multiple pours of Alumalite Clear. How do you avoid lines with 4 pours?

Do you have pictures? Is it from bubbles?

Are you guys sure you’re talking about the same “clear”? alumilite has wood turners clear and clear slow as well as amazing clear.

Amazing is bar top and bonds clearer on multiple thinner pours. Wood turners allows for massive pours but doesn’t bond clear, also has to be pressure cast, it will bubble like crazy left on it’s own.

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Made pieces for Ceramic Coterie. Jomon Japanese period, was inspired by the dogus that were created during this time, figures representing different people used in ceremonies. Roman period piece, inspired by the Kanthanos (drinking vessels) that were used in celebrations for wine drinking.


No not bubbles. Just a visible casting line where the 2nd pour was applied to the 1st pour. Most noticeable at the edges of the casting surface.

I’m referring to Clear-Slow.

I would suggest sanding. if necessary, do a thin pour over those edges to cover up the lines. Resin is really forgiving.

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These guys have been my favorites!!!

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Weekend fun with resin, here are some of the items I’ve made in the last 2 days at home. I love crafty kinds of art when I have to slow down.